The C in this fire response action acronym instructs staff to contain fire by closing doors to prevent spread of fire.
What is R-A-C-E?
Guidelines recommend healthcare professionals wash hands with soap and water or vigorously rub hand sanitizer on skin for this minimum duration to be effective.
What is 15 seconds?
National Patient Safety Goals and hospital guidelines specify that collected specimens (blood draws, biopsies, etc.) must be labeled and verified in front of this person.
Who is the patient?
This is the Infection Preventionist at NHB.
Who is Susan Beasley?
Staff should first call this number if responding to a code BLUE, the code for cardiac or respiratory arrest.
What is 911?
This acronym is a TeamSTEPPS tool designed to enhance communication in patient hand-offs.
What is SBAR?
Hand hygiene recommendations come from the World Health Organization and this organization in the U.S., whose guidelines we use.
What is the CDC?
Labels must be legible, and in this color of ink.
What is black?
According to the CDC, this is the single most important step in preventing infections.
What is proper hand hygiene?
This is the code for a lost patient. Maybe they rode away on the Lone Ranger's horse.
What is code SILVER?
These detail information on safe handling of chemicals and are located on the command Sharepoint well as in a green binder in each clinical space.
What are SDS?
Hand sanitizer, when used repeatedly, should be washed off with soap & water this often.
What is after 5 applications...or when hands become tacky?
This person's initials must be on the labeled specimen, along with the date and time of collection.
Who is the collector?
When using Caviwipes, surfaces must remain wet for this duration in order to be effective.
What is 2 minutes?
This is the code that should be called if a suspicious package or unattended bag is found. Be careful! It could be explosive.
What is Code BLACK?
This is the R in SBAR.
What is Request or Recommendation.
In these instances, soap and water should be used to clean hands, rather than hand sanitizer.
When is: after using bathroom, before handling food or medication, when hands are visibly contaminated?
This date must be checked prior to utilizing a collection tube.
What is the expiration date?
Multi-dose medication vials may be used for this duration after opening. Be sure to label it!
What is 28 days?
Barricade the exits and head for cover. This is what is signified by a Code White!
What is an armed intruder or active shooter?
This acronym helps staff operate a fire extinguisher properly
What is PASS?
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is not effective in disinfecting hands contaminated with the organism that causes these infections.
What is Viral Gastroenteritis (VGE).
This information about a TISSUE SPECIMEN collected must be noted on the label.
What is type of specimen and (body) site?
Privacy curtains should be laundered this frequently.