Pop Culture
Released in July 2011, this movie has the 3rd-highest gross income out of any film after The Hunger Games and The Dark Knight Rises
What is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow: Part 2
Harper Lee wrote this novel featuring protagonist Atticus Finch in Maycomb, Alabama
What is To Kill a Mockingbird?
This is the first element in the periodic table with atomic number 1
What is hydrogen?
He took office in 2008 and continues to serve as U.S. President after winning over Mitt Romney in the 2012 Presidential Election
Who is Barack Obama?
This is the common logarithm of 100
What is 2?
This video was published July 15, 2012, and has since become the most viewed video on YouTube after surpassing Baby by Justin Bieber
What is Gangnam Style? (op op op)
In this book, Katniss Everdeen is sent back to the hunger games with Peeta Mellark after posing a threat to the authority of the Capitol
What is Catching Fire?
This is the most common element in Earth's atmosphere, taking up 78% of it
What is nitrogen?
This American president was the first to voluntarily decline to run for a third term
Who was George Washington?
This U.S. city is famous for it's attractions such as Chinatown, Fisherman's Wharf, and the nearby Silicon Valley
What is San Francisco?
This band released their first album with Syco Records, Take Me Home, in November 2012
What is OneDirection?
Erich Maria Remarque wrote this novel after serving in World War I, and it was banned under the rule of Nazi Germany at the dawn of the Second World War
What is All Quiet on the Western Front?
This autumn constellation high in the southeast sky is said to resemble two fish
What is Pisces?
Housed in a 12th century palace of the same name built by Philip II, this is the largest museum in Paris, featuring an inverted pyramid in front of the main entrance
What is the Louvre (Musée de Louvre)?
Operation Neptune's Spear, the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, occurred in this city about 31 miles northeast of Islamabad
What is Abbottabad, Pakistan?
Disney has agreed to continue making movies of this series, the last of which was made in 2003
What is Star Wars?
This author wrote novels set in the Klondike Gold Rush such as White Fang and The Call of the Wild
Who was Jack London?
Principia was published by this English scientist, often credited with being the father of mechanics and the inventor of calculus
Who was Isaac Newton?
In June, 1989, tanks and heavily-armed troops opened fire on thousands of citizens in this incident
What is Tiananmen Square?
This is the most populated city north of the Arctic Circle, and is connected to Churchill, Manitoba by the modern Northwest Passage
What is Murmansk, Russia?
On December 31, 2012, at the New Year's Eve Ball Drop, he announced that his girlfriend, Kim Kardashian, was pregnant with his child
Who is Kanye West?
This Shakespearean title character states, “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child”?
Who is King Leer?
Lighter than both titanium and aluminum, this element is the lightest structural metal
What is magnesium?
All monarchs have been crowned in this London church since William the Conqueror had on Christmas Day in 1066
What is Westminister Abbey?
Recently, at least 60 people were killed and 12 injured in a stampede at Félix Houphouët-Boigny Stadium in what country?
What is Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)?