The stages of translation
What are ...
1. Initiation
2. Elongation
3. Termination
The region of DNA that tells the RNA polymerase to bind
What is a promoter
The stage of mitosis when the nuclear membranes form
What is telophase
The role of the reducing agent in a redox reaction
What is donating electrons
Amino acids are to proteins as ___ are to DNA
What are nucleotides
The length and term for what will be translated into 1 amino acid
What is a codon (3 nuc. long)
The 3 differences between pre-mRNA and mature mRNA
What is the removal of introns, the addition of a 5' cap, and the addition of the poly A tail
The phase in which a copy of DNA is made
What is interphase (S would also be accepted)
The reduced product
Zn + Cu2+ --> Zn2+ + Cu
What is Cu
The 5' end is to DNA as ___ is to proteins
What is the N-terminus
What are the sites in the large ribosome subunit and what happens in each of them?
E: Exit - the tRNA exits, in this site it has already lost its attached amino acid
P: Peptide - named for the peptide bond that forms when a tRNA is transferred to this site
A: Arrive - where tRNAs enter, carrying a new amino acid
What is the sequence of nucleotides in Strand B if strand A was the template strand?
Strand A: 5' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3'
Strand B: 3'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5'
What is...
This phase of mitosis
What is prometaphase
What is the reducing agent and the oxidizing agent?
C6H8O6 + 2H+ + 2NO2- --> C6H6O6 + 2H2O + 2NO
What is the benefit of mutations? The cost?
Offers variability in a population and potential fitness increase to an individual, could cause fitness decrease to individual.
The furthest part of the "central dogma" that a cell would be able to reach and the effect if the small and large subunits of ribosome were unable to come together
What is mature mRNA and an inability to make proteins and have the large subunit bind
The effect if a cell had no or non-functioning spliceosomes
What would be non-functioning proteins due to lack of intron removal?
If the basket is a cell's nucleus and the fruit are chromosomes, what would the ploidy be? N?
Ploidy= 3 (3 copies of each fruit)
N= 2 (2 types of fruit, pears and apples)
The kind of an agent you would need for the following reaction to occur
Mn2+ --> MnO2
What is an oxidizing agent
What would the protein sequence be? (assume no introns are present)
Met, Ser, Ala