You Oughta Know

Oversees the completion of chapter goals and manages the Executive Board

Who is the Student President (Kathleen)?


Reviews induction and SNT goals with VP of Membership and uses those goals to plan SNT meetings monthly. Recruiting SNT Managers and mentors

Responsible for making sure the chapter hits the Induction percentage goal by deadline.

Who is the Director of SNT Program (Latoya)?

Who is the Director of Membership Outreach (Sandra)?


The storage capacity of this organ is 2.5 million gigabytes

What is the human brain?


Oversees SNT Mentors. Responsible for making sure there are enough mentors each meeting. Tracks Progress of members who attend SNT meetings.

Facilitates SNT Meetings for teams of general members

Who is SNT Managers?

Who is SNt mentor (Daryl)?


Works with LTD manager to contact members encouraging them to attend a virtual LTD or complete events by a specific date. Works towards LTD goal.

Report to Orientation and LTD Team Leads. Help in facilitating the first two core events to ensure attendance is received. Assign credit to those attending as Guests.

Who is LTD Team Lead?

Who is Facilitator?


Develops a plan with the Director of SNT Program on how many SNT Meetings need to be held and works with Student President and Advisors to create an Induction Percentage goal for each invitation season.

Who is the VP of Membership (Leslie)?


Oversees Induction Tech Coordinator, Script Coordinator, Art Coordinator, Recruitment Coordinator. Responsible for making sure that the Induction is planned and executed successfully.

Responsible for making sure that there are at least two or more Orientation & Leadership Training Day live online events offered within each invitation season.

Who is Director of Induction?

Who is Director of Core Events (Javanna)?


This was the first Pixar Movie.

What is Toy Story?


Works with individual members through emails and virtual "office hours" to help them complete steps.

Oversees Leadership Training Day Recruitment. Encourages members to attend a virtual LTD or complete them asynchronously by a specific date.

Who is Membership Outreach Chair (Hacienda)?

Who is LTD Manager?


Produces articles and either weekly, monthly or quarterly Newsletter.

Contributes to LinkedIn page based on what is going on in the chapter. Shares info from multiple Eboard members for announcements from the chapter.

Who is Writers (Nayirah)?

Who is Contributors (Marschelle)?


Oversees Director of Induction, Core Events and NSLS Summit Registration & Attendance. Create timeline and deadlines for Induction process.

Who is the Vice President of Events (Britney)?


Oversees writers. Creates deadlines for writers and guides them in finding creative ways to share positive publicity about the chapter.

Oversees LinkedIn Contributors and guides them to increase followers and assigns things to post about. Approves new member joins to LinkedIn.

Who is Editor of Positive Publicity (Ashlye)?

Who is Director of LinkedIn (Victor)?


Which country was the first to give women the right to vote?

Who is New Zealand (1893)?


Reaches out to general members to encourage them to either attend a virtual Orientation or complete the event asynchronously by a specific date. Oversees Orientation Recruitment.

Creates Induction Event through Platform (Zoom, etc.) Handles all technology related issues during Induction Event and shares registration link with Recruitment Manager and Secretary for emails and the NSLS calendar.

Who is Orientation Manager?

Who is Technology Coordinator?


Researches locations for social events and types of community service activities for the chapter.

Manages the engagement survey sent out at the end of each fiscal year to share back with Directors and Core Board members to continuously improve chapter engagement.

Who is Research Chair?

Who is Engagement Chair?


Oversees Editor of the Newsletter and Director of LinkedIn. Assists Editor in spreading positive publicity about the chapter.

Who is VP of Communications (Pallaine)?

Develops a plan for hosting social events that are both in-person and virtual for the chapter.

Reviews Community Service Pillar and enters community service activity

Who is Director of Social Events (Nicole)?

Who is Director of Community Service (Liz)?


What is the signature food dish served at Wimbledon?

What is Strawberries and Cream?


Creates script and PowerPoint content for Induction by initial and final deadlines set by the Director of Induction & VP of Events.

Handles design, photos, videos and animations for Induction PowerPoint. Designs Induction Program.

Who is Script Coordinator?

Who is Art Coordinator?


Creates a budget for social events or community service events. Shares budget limits during bi-weekly/monthly meetings and works with the Planning Chair to ensure the chapter is on budget for the event.

Who is Budget Chairs?


Oversees Directors of Social Events & Community Service. Oversees Social Events and Community Service initiatives.

Who is VP of Community (Peter)?


Tracks the Progress of Members to support the Director of Membership Outreach. Takes notes during meetings and enters them for chapter credit, emailing copies to the Eboard.

Creates budget reports for the term based on input from Budget Chairs and VPs.

Who is the Secretary (Monique)?

Who is the Treasurer (Erron)?


This was the original purpose of the tiny pocket in jeans.

What is to store pocket watches?


Reaches out to general members to encourage them to RSVP and attend induction. Tracks responses and reports them to Director of Induction.

Works with Orientation Manager to ensure members attend Orientation. Works on completion goal.

Who is Induction Recruitment Manager?

Who is Orientation Team Lead?


Assists the Director and works with other chairs to plan the social or community service events. 

Who is planning chair (Calvin)?