New Testament

What is "Hermeneutics." 

The art or science of interpreting a piece of literature, usually a religious text. 


What are the five sections of the New Testament?

Gospels, Acts, Paul's Epistles, Catholic Epistles, Revelation. 


What are two different reasons why Matthew is uniquely positions to be first among the Gospels? 

(1) The Jewishness of the book. Genealogy / Jewish titles for Jesus etc. 

(2) Most orderly, systematic and predictable Gospel. 


Jesus' primary role in the Gospel of Mark is that of a(n) ____________. 

Exorcist / Miracle Worker / Healer


Define Exegesis Eisegesis. Which one is good?

Exegesis is a form of interpreting the Bible by starting with the text and moving outward, while Eisegesis is a form of interpretation which inserts the ideas of the reader into the text so as to make it say whatever one wants it to! Exegesis is the goal, Eisegesis is not.  


What does the word "Epistle" mean? What about "Catholic." 

Letter. Universal. 


What is the difference between Gospel (upper case) and gospel (lower case)? 

Gospel refers to a book, and gospel refers to a message. 

What are three main themes throughout the Gospel of Mark. 

Secrecy, Unbelief, Cost of Discipleship 


What are two different ways in which the Bible is like a library?

(1) It is a collection of books.

(2) It is categorized by genre and author. 


What are two different reasons that there are four Gospels instead of one or more than four?

(1) Different perspectives and audiences. 

(2) To remind us that we never quite have a grasp on who Jesus is. 


In what way is Jesus the Greater Israel?

(1) Jesus and Israel were both brought by God out of Egypt, but unlike Israel, Jesus did not fail to obey God and carry out his mission on Earth. 

(2) Israel's mission on earth was the be a light to the nations, and Jesus is the light of the world. By his death and resurrection, all nations are invited to come to him for eternal life. 


Matthew's Gospel is long and orderly, but Mark's is _________ and _________. 

Short and abrupt. 


What is historical context?

Everything that we can't see in the text, but which nevertheless matters for interpretation (author, audience, cultural norms, place, time, setting, etc). 


Christ and Messiah mean the same thing in two different languages. What do they mean and what languages are they?

"anointed one." Greek and Hebrew respectively. 
Jesus' primary role in the Gospel of Matthew is that of a _________. 



What might Mark's theme of secrecy and unbelief teach us about God?

God is mysterious and hard to grasp. 


What are the four laws of interpreting scripture?

Context, multiple meanings, metanarrative, rule of love. 

True or False: The writers of the New Testament knew that they were writing scripture when they were writing!

False. There is no evidence or reason to believe that the writers of the New Testament knew they were writing documents that would later be canonized. 


The major teaching section in the Gospel of Matthew is in chapters 5-7, and is called the _____________________. 

Sermon on the Mount. 


What does it mean that Matthew has canonical priority, while Mark has historical priority? 

Canonical priority = Read first

Historical Priority = Written first