Ezra is book number.
What is 15?
I was born for such a time
Who is Esther
Its all about water
What is the flood
i am the first King of the Jews
Who is Saul
I am the mother of The King
Who is Mary
Maths is what I am about.
What is numbers?
Moses spent 40 years in this place in hiding
Where is Midian
The greatest event to ever happen
What is the birth of Jesus
I was the first annointed King
Who is King David
I was so jealous of my sister
Who is Martha
We all have the same abbreviated titles
What is Matthew Mark Luke John
I am Jesus' first disciple
Who is Simon Peter
There were ten of us
What is the ten plagues
I had to be an animal
Who is Nebuchadnezzar
My first son died because I sinned
Who is Bathsheba?
The 17th book n the New Testament
What is Titus
I gave the order to crucify Jesus
Who is Pontius Pilate
Friends mourn when they loose friends
What is the death of Lazarus
The greatest king ever
Who is Jesus
It doesn't pay to lie
Who is Sapphira
I speak of turning my foot away from the Sabbath
What is Isaiah
Ruth and Naomi moved here
Where is Bethlehem
When size doesn't matter
David killing Goliath
I was only eight years old
Who is King Josiah
My husband was filled with faith
Who is Sara