Meaning of his name
he causes to become
How many apostles did he have
Define Bethel
house of God
Define the word apostle
sent forth
He got swallowed by a big fish
where did Jehovah pronounce his first prophecy
Garden of Eden
He prepared the way for Jesus
John the Baptisit
these where the sons of thunder
James and John
In this book we find the capable wife
Jehovah's cardinal attributes
Love, Wisdom, Justice and power
Definition of his name
Jehovah is Salvation
Who did Jesus appoint to feed his sheep
Faithful and Discreet Slave
Three closest to Jesus
Peter, James and John
This book described the complete suit of armor
What appeared on the 6th day of creation
Light (day and night)
with what did Jesus feed up to 5000 people
5 breads and 2 fish
The first Watchtower was printed this year
who was the last apostle to die
these two books contain the qualifications for Elders and Ministerial servants
Timothy and Titus
the one sin Jehovah does not forgive
Blasphemy against the spirit
Jesus calmed the storm in what sea
Sea of Galilee
In 1914 close to 9 million people viewed what motion picture, the 1st of its kind
Photo drama of Creation
who replaced Judas Iscariot
How many books are in the Christian Greek Sciptures