Name the three people in the story of the Jewish man that was robbed and left for dead.
Priest, Levite, and Good Samaritan
Where should we lay our treasures in?
In Heaven not on earth
What did the friend ask his neighbor to give to his friend that came over at midnight?
Where did Jesus teach when he taught about his return?
under a fig tree
What is a parable?
A earthly store with a heavenly meaning
When the Shepherd realized that he was missing a sheep, what did he do?
Went searching for that one lamb
Parable is telling us to beware of what sin?
What did his neighbor tell his friend about the three loaves?
"Leave me alone, my family is sleeping"
What are some signs today that Jesus is returning soon?
wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and great wickedness all over the world.
What does the hard soil represent in the Sower and the Seed?
Someone that doesn't receive Jesus as their Savior
Who were the religious hypocrites that hated Jesus? They pretended to know God but did not.
chest with gold and jewels, He hid it back in the ground. Sold his land to buy his friends land.
How does this parable teach us Christians about praying?
Keep asking! God will either answer, make us wait, or say no to our prayers.
What is the importance of the parable about ten virgins?
being ready for Jesus' return
Person that is obedient and wants to live for Jesus
What did the lady that lost her one coin and the Shepherd who lost his one sheep do when they both were found?
Rejoiced and told all their neighbors!
Parable of the talents: Was about being responsible to serve God. How many talents did the master give to his three servants?
One-5 talents
second-2 talents
third-1 talent
The Unjust Judge: What does this parable teach us?
To always pray
What does the oil represent in the Ten maidens?
Jesus asked the man, which of these three men do you think was the neighbor to the man who fell among thieves?
Good Samaritan
What did the lady do when she realized she lost one of her 10 coins?
Searched and swept her whole house
Peter ask Jesus how many times do we forgive our brother who sins against him. How many did Jesus tell him to forgive?
7x70= 490 times never stop forgiving
Hebrews 11 is known as what ?
Faith chapter
How will continuing to obey God's Word help us in life?