Why did Jesus come to Earth?
So He could save people from their sins.
How did His death affect the world?
It paid for penalty of sins
It provided a way for people to be saved from their sins
What types of things can we see to help remind us of the Flood?
Rainbow, fossils, rock layers
What area was the Tower built in?
Who was Abraham's wife?
Why was Jesus being born so important to the world?
Because it was a fulfillment of all the promises made in the OT.
Why don't we offer sacrifices like the OT?
Because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice.
How did the flood change the world?
It changed the Earth's surface
How did the event of Confusion effect the world?
It caused people to speak other languages.
Who was Isaac's favorite son?
Because of Scripture
Because of eyewitness accounts
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Why did God judge the entire Earth in Noah's Day?
Because of the sin of mankind
Even though people spoke other languages and were a part of other cultures what was the same?
We all come from the same blood line.
How did God speak to Moses in the desert?
Through a burning bush
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A shepard
Who were the two spies saved by Rahab?
Joshua and Caleb
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