The Greek word for Holy Spirit
Who made the theory of atonment that sees Jesus' dying on the cross as morally transformative?
Peter Abelard
Name one book that contains a list of spiritual gifts
Romans, 1 Corinthians, Ephesian, or 1 Peter
What is the Greek word for God?
What do the letters stand for in Tulip
Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints
A rule when studying history that states we can only know things provisionally. That is, we can only make statements of probability with respect to any given historical event.
Principle of Criticism
Who created the satisfaction theory of atonement?
St. Anselm
The belief that miraculous gifts continue in this day normally
Name used for God in Genesis 1:2-3 and is translated in modern Bibles.
What do the letters in Daisy stand for?
An extract from text viewed in isolation to study
The ancient Canaanite fertility God
Name all 10 Spiritual Gifts
Mercy, Tongues, Prophecy, Healing, Interpretation, Apostle, Giving, Teaching, Miracles, Faith
Jews don't say the Tetragrammaton so they say what?
What do the letters in Roses stand for?
Radical Depravity, Overcoming Grace, Sovereign Election, Eternal Life, Singular Redemption
A Latin term that refers to the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son
Who popularized the substitutionary theory of atonement?
John Calvin
Those who believe that spiritual gifts no longer exist in the same way as they did in the 1st century but they are still possible
Charitable Critic
What is the Greek word for Holy Spirit?
What theological position affirms Tulip?
The Hebrew word for Holy Spirit
Whose chronology of the Old Testament is used to date the earth as young?
The Bishop Ussher
The belief that the miraculous gifts completely stopped after the age of the apostles
What is the Hebrew word for Holy Spirit?
What theological position affirms Daisy?