This person was able to walk on water with Jesus
John 3:16
For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son
That whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life
What was Peter's job before he followed Jesus
He was a fisherman
How did Jesus heal blind man
Spittin in mud and rubbed it on his eyes and told him to wash it off
What was the first of the 10 plagues
Turning the water into blood
Which person was blinded on the road of Damascus
Genesis 1:1
God created the heavens and the Earth
What were the people saying when Jesus wrote in on a donkey
Hosanna Hosanna to the highest
What words did Jesus speak to heal the crippled man at the pool bethsaida
Pick up your Matt and walk
What did the people worship while Moses was on Mount Sinai
A golden calf
Which person defeated Goliath
Shortest verse in the Bible
Jesus wept
Where did God send Jonah
What did Jesus do at the Red Sea for Moses
He split the Red Sea
What did Moses say to pharaoh when he returned to Egypt
Let my people go
Which person built the ark
Deuteronomy 6:4
You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul and all your might
How long did Noah stay on the ark
40 days and 40 nights
Who did Jesus predict his death to
The disciples
While Moses was on Mount Sinai God gave him
The Ten Commandments
Which person was swallowed by a big fish
Philippians 4:13
It's I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Who betrayed Jesus
Jesus walked on water and who joined him
What did God lead the People by at day and night
A cloud in the day and a Pillar of Fire at night