At what point in Jesus life does Mark begins his book?
His baptism
She asked to be called Mara because of her depression.
In the song Great Big God what line completes the following? He's higher than a skyscraper and he's
deeper than a submarine
What actor played Jesus in the Passion of then Christ.
Jim Caviezel
Who invented the telephone
Mention of the number of the beast 666 can be found where?
She inadvertently influenced King David to commit indirect murder because of his love for her.
In the lord of Sea and Sky the fourth line of the first verse is identical to the fourth line of the third verse.
What book of the bible is the movie One Night with a King based on?
Which nail grows fatest
Where is the following warning found? How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?
She deprived a man of all his strength simply by having his hair cut.
In the song It's Rising up what follows the line " It rising up from coast to coast?
from north to south
Which actor voiced the lion Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia series.
Liam Neeson
Who wrote Julius Caesar, Macbeth and Hamlet
Where can the following words be found? For these is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
1 Timothy
This man was spared because he was a righteous man when God decided to send the great flood.
In My Redeemer Lives the line I know he's rescued my soul" starts the first verse. What is the next line?
His blood has covered my sins
In the film The Encounter five strangers end up having dinner with whom at a road side diner?
What year did the Spanish civil war starts.
What book closes with the words, These are the commandments, which the Lord commanded Moses for the children of Israel in Mount Israel?
This man was sick for quite some time and died before Jesus arrived. When Jesus arrived however, he immediately raised him from the dead.
In the song" My Jesus" My Saviour (Shout to the lord) what is the line after " I sing for joy at the work of your hands, forever I' ll love you, forever I'll stand"?
Nothing compares to the promise I have in you.
What is the occupation of the main character in fireproof.
Who lived at 221 B, Baker Street, London?
Sherlock Holmes