How did God appear to Moses of Exodus?
Through the burning bush
What is the first commandment?
"You shall not have any other gods before me"
What did God create on the fourth day?
The sun, moon, and stars
What is the longest chapter in the Bible
Psalm 119
Who did God drown by closing the Red Sea?
The Egyptians
What is the third commandment?
"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain"
What did God create on the third day?
Dry ground/plants
Who was the first murderer in the Bible?
Where did God send Moses to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt?
What is the fifth commandment?
"Honor your father and mother"
What did God create on the seventh day?
Nothing, He rested
Who cried after hearing a rooster crow
What were Moses siblings names?
Miriam, Aaron
What is the eighth commandment?
"Thou shalt not steal"
What did God create on the first day?
Who wore clothing made of camel hair?
John the Baptist
What were the names of Moses parents?
Jochebed, Amram
What is the tenth commandment?
"Thou shalt not covet"
What did God create on the sixth day?
Land animals/Humans
How many books did both Moses and the apostle John write?
BONUS! 1000 points
What were the ten plagues in order?
blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of first born