A tax collector
God did this on day 7
What is rested
How many books that are in the NT
What is 27
He was king of Judea when Jesus was born
Who was Herod
Jesus' first recorded miracle was done here
Where is Cana
Had his named changed to Cephas
Who was Peter
Satan appeared to Eve in the form of this animal
What is a serpent
He was a physician
Who was Luke
He was the first king of Israel
Who was Saul
Jesus raised him from the dead in Bethany
Who was Lazarus
Peter's brother
Who was Andrew
He was the second oldest person recorded at 962 years old
Who was Jared
His speech in Acts 7 made him a martyr for Christ
Who was Stephen
Nathan warned this king to repent
Who was David
Jesus made money appear in this animal's mouth
What is a fish
Alphaeus' son
Who was James
He was the first born son of Lot, conceived by his own daughter
Who was Moab (Gen 19:37)
Paul pleaded with Philemon on his behalf
Who was Onesimus
This king wanted Naboth's vineyard
Who was Ahab
Jesus healed a man, by the pool of Bethesda, who had an infirmity for this many years
What is 38
Another name given to Thaddaeus
He was Jacob's father-in-law
Who was Laban
Told Paul about division in the church at Corinth
Who was Chloe
He was king of Elam when Lot was taken captive
Who was Chedorlamer (Gen 14:1)
Jesus raised a widow's son from the dead in this city
Where is Nain