Chapter 16 | For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance. What does the Lord look at?
The Lord looks on the heart.
Chapter 18 | What song was sung in celebration of King Saul?
"Saul has struck down his thousands,
and David his ten thousands."
Saul got desperate after Samuel died. Who did he contact to try and connect with the prophet Samuel?
A medium referred to as "The Witch of Endor"
How did Michal anger David? 2 Samuel 6:14-23.
She criticized him for dancing in front of all the people.
Who was Absalom?
David's son
Chapter 16 | How many of Jesse's sons passed before Samuel, before the youngest was chosen?
Seven, then David.
After Saul, who did Samuel anoint to be Israel's divinely chosen king? Why was he an unlikely choice?*Your answer
David. He was the youngest brother, a shepherd, and just a boy.
Who was the rich man who was harsh and badly behaved?
What did Saul do when he found out his sons were dead?
Fell on his sword and killed himself
Why was David forced to send his armies against Absalom?
Absalom attempted to overthrow his father.
Chapter 17 | Where was Goliath from?
He was a Philistine and called Goliath of Gath.
Why did David have success in all his undertakings?
The Lord was with him.
Who is Abigail?
Nabal's wife. She gives David food, talks with him, and assists in keeping him from attacking Nabal for his insults.
Who was the prophet who told David the parable to reveal his sin?
What happened to the baby conceived by Bathseba?
The baby died
Chapter 17 | How tall was Goliath?
Six cubits and a span - 9 feet 9 inches!!!
Chapter 18 | What was David's reward for killing 200 Philistines?
Saul gave his daughter, Michal, to be David's wife.
What happens to Nabal after Abagail tells him what she has done?
He has a heart-stopping moment and dies ten days later.
Who was Uriah?
Bathsheba's husband
what kind of sacrifice for sin was most acceptable to God?
A broken and contrite heart
What did David do after he hit Goliath in the head?
He walked over and cut off his head.
What did Jonathan give David as a sign of giving up his right to the throne
His robe, armor, sword.
Once Nabal died, what changed in David's relationship with Abigail?
She becomes his wife.
Why did David send Uriah to the front lines?
He was trying to have him killed to cover up his sin
What is the story about that Nathan told David to help him see his sin before God.
A parable about a rich man eating the only lamb of a poor man even though he had many of his own sheep.