What is History?
The study of past events, with the aim of understanding the present and preparing for the future.
What is a prophecy?
A message from God.
What is inspiration?
Inspiration is the capacity that God gives a prophet to present, within their personal limitations, what
God has revealed to them.
What is futurology?
The branch of knowledge that, based in an analysis of the present, predicts the future of humanity.
What are the ways we can look at History?
Secular History, History of Salvation & History of Personal Salvation.
Who is a prophet?
A person that speaks on behalf of God.
What are ways God communicate to people?
Dreams, Visions, Clearly heard voice, Appearance of angels
Can humans predict all future events with 100% accuracy?
Who is in control of History?
Why are prophets important?
They are able to express God's revelation as best as they can to our level.
What is biblical revelation?
God making known His thoughts, intentions design and secrets.
Why is Bible prophecy more secure than futurology?
Because God knows the future
How the people of the East interpret history?
The seasons of the year would define how and when certain events would happen.
How do you know if someone is a true prophet?
His life is in accord with God
they teach what the Bible teaches
They proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Savior
what was the primary mode of communications?
What would happen to a prophet who tried to speak for God but spoke of a false message?
he will die
What is Personal salvation?
God is revealed to common people and invites them to a special work designed God in control of history
What is a conditional prophecy?
when the prophecy fulfillment is dependent on the compliance of those to whom the promise is made, with the conditions on which it is given.
Does our actions change God's love for us?
Who was given a conditional prophecy and what is it?
Abraham. he would be the Father of many nations and all
people of the earth will be blessed through his descendants.