A story that pictures or illustrates a lesson
What is lost in the first parable? (vv. 3-7)
A sheep
What is the seed a reflection of according to the parable of the Sower in Luke 8:4-15
The Word of God
Matthew 24:35 Heaven and Earth could pass away , but Jesus' words will never ...
Pass away
The ability to show restraint and calm in waiting on God, despite circumstances that may cause us to get angry.
What is lost in the second parable? (vv . 8-10)
A coin (silver)
The ______ takes away the word so people will not believe and be saved
Matthew 7:24 Those who hear and obey Jesus are like a wise man who .....
Builds his house on a solid rock
The ability to accept others; to give ourselves in service to others without expecting anything in return.
Ground, a mixture of earth , often used for planting crops
God loves sinners like a father should love .......
His son, even one that has gone away
People believe the Word at first, but when they are tested they
Fall Away
James 1:19 We should be quick to listen and slow to ...
Speak or get angry
Unshakable loyalty, shows in being trustworthy, reliable, responsible and carrying out our commitments to God and others
The religious leaders were acting like ......
People receive the Word , hold on to it , and produce spiritual
Fruit, crops
John 14: 23 Jesus said that people who love him will ...
Keep his word , or teaching
Showing consideration and thoughtfulness, putting my rights and strength under God’s control to seek peace
Sinners who listened to Jesus were like .....
People receive God's Word but do not produce fruit because they are chocked by ....
Worries, riches and pleasure
Psalm 34:15 God watches over the righteous and ....
Listens to their cry
The ability to master his desires and passions, especially his own wants
Self Control