How many days did it take God to create Earth?
Six days, and on the seventh he rest
When and where was he born?
December 25th in Bethlehem, also in a Barn.
When was Jonah swallowed by a whale?
When he defied God's word and tried to run away
What did God create on the first day?
Day and Night.
What's the name of Abaramham's wife?
Who did God command to build an Ark?
Where did Jesus perform his first miracle?
At a wedding where he turn water in wine.
What did David use to defeat the Goliath?
A slingshot and a rock.
What did God create on the seventh day?
He created nothing, he rested instead!
What's the name of the king who enslaved Israelites?
King Phoroah
What's the name of the man who saves Israelites from Egyptians?
Who betrayed Jesus when he needed it most?
Why did God give the 10 diseases to the Egyptians?
He gave it to them because they wouldn't let the Israelites go.
What did God create on the second day?
The Sky and Sea
What were the names of Jesus's parents?
Joseph and Mary.
What is the name of Adam's Sons?
Cain and Able
Name 4 out of 12 disciples.
How did King Solomon choose the right mother?
He offered to cut it in half to share it with both mothers.
What did God create on the fourth day?
The Sun, Moon, and Stars
What's the name of Jacob's wife?
Leah and Rachel
What did Jacob do to Esau?
Jacob stole Esau's birthright by pretending to be Esau in front of his blind dad.
At what age was Jesus baptized?
30 years old.
What did God ask Abraham to do?
Sacrifice his son.
What did God create on the sixth day?
He created Adam.
Who is the son of God that died for us?
Jesus Christ