What is the name of the current Pastor at Faith Lutheran?
Pastor Andy Schermbeck
What was Jesus' first Miracle
Who were the first two people God created?
Adam and Eve
What kind of food did John the Baptist eat?
Honey and Locust
Who did God help part the Red Sea?
What time are the services on Sunday at Faith
8:00 and 10:30
What food did Jesus use to feed the 5000?
five loaves and two fish
What was the bread that God made fall from the sky to feed the Israelites?
What sacrament involves water in either sprinkling or pouring on someone's head or dunking?
What is Faith Lutheran's Mission Statement?
To Connect People to Jesus
Jesus calls himself this food item in John. (hint: it is an I AM statement)
I am the Bread of Life
Who was thrown into a lions den?
What type of bird did God give the Israelites to help feed them in the wilderness?
When Jesus walked on water, what did the disciples think they saw on the water?
a Ghost!
What does DCE mean?
Director of Christian Education
What two food items does communion consist of?
Who built the arc when God flooded the earth?
What did they use in the old testament to anoint a king?
Who did Jesus talk to at the well?
The samaritan woman
Passover, in passion week
What type of bird helped feed Elijah in his time of need?
Who was commanded to hit a stone to release water for the people of God?