This is how old Jesus was when he started his ministry
What is 30 years old?
This is the shortest book in the Old Testament by number of verses.
What is Obadiah?
This was the oldest man in the bible
Who is Methuselah?
This is what "Christ" means
What is Anointed one?
Paul wrote this many books.
What is 13?
This was Moses's sister
Who is Miriam?
This is how many of Jesus's brothers that are named in the Bible
What is four?
This is the book that contains the story of David and Goliath
What is 1 Samuel?
This is the eighth commandment
What is "Thou shall not steal"
This was the first temptation that Satan presented to Christ in the desert
What is Bread?
This man wrote the most words in the Bible, totaling approximately 125,139 words
Who is Moses?
She was the only female judge mentioned in the bible
Who is Deborah?