Worldviews can be compared to…
If i Hear the statement, “There is no God.” I know it belongs in the ______________ worldview category.
If i Hear the statement, “We help our ancestors travel to the next life.” I know it belongs in the ______________ worldview category.
If i Hear the statement, “God is in control.” I know it belongs in the ______________ worldview category.
The type of proof that SOME people don’t think is enough is…
The word that we use to describe where the Bible came from?
The 3 parts of a worldview in order are...
Big Story, Basic Beliefs & Assumptions, Actions
Assumptions can be compared to…
waves that can knock you over because you don't realize how strong they are until it's too late!!
One of the BAD assumptions we may get from TV is…
everyone should have a girlfriend/boyfriend
One bad assumption we may get from school is…
Observation is the only REAL knowledge
The type of proof that says, “Seeing is believing.” is…
Explain how a musical instrument is a great analogy for biblical inspiration (divine authorship).
I'm listening for the idea that the breath blowing into the instrument is like God's divine voice or direction; the instrument is the author (the human person); and the music is like the words the author writes that are from God but also have the "instruments" (persons) sound.
A definition of an assumption is something like…
an idea people believe without trying to prove it.
What is our first statement to memorize (STM)
Worldviews are superficially similar but fundamentally different.
If i Hear the statement, “I think crystals are good for healing.” I know it belongs in the ______________ worldview category.
Which one usually leads, the head or the heart?
Explain (or draw) a twisted view of love vs. a correct view of love.
I'm looking for SELF - OTHERS - GOD vs. GOD - OTHERS - SELF
Explain very clearly why God gave us the Bible.
I'm listening for something like, "Because we learn all about life from stories and God wanted to tell us the BIG STORY of creation, fall, and redemption!"
If i Hear the statement, “There is nothing that is true for everybody.” I know it belongs in the ______________ worldview category.
When you put the humanism and postmodern lenses together you get…
Disney, Netflix, Hollywood Movies, and SOOO much of the influence on social media
One bad assumption we may get from society is…
Morality changes over time
I'm listening for something like, "When people think that God and 'the real world' don't go together. So, it's like a two-story house where God is in the top story and work, government, school, science, etc. in in the bottom story.
Draw a description of a twisted view of authority vs. a correct view of authority.
See pic on page 43!!
Explain why we need the Bible to know God.
I'm listening for something like, "Because without it, we will make up our own stories that leave God out."
This is our mission for the year
We are all about reading, writing, and thinking hard to learn whether a biblical worldview makes the most sense of the world.
A great definition of proof is…
whatever really ought to convince someone else of the truth of something.
A good definition of dualism is...
Making something equal to God, like equal in power or authority.
If i Hear the statement, “I will seek to return to the Great One through meditation.” I know it belongs in the ______________ worldview category.
Spiritual Monism
What is the meaning of our first statement to memorize (STM). Write it in your own words and explain it.
I am listening for something like, "All worldviews have some things in common of the surface where it doesn't make as much difference but deep down in that they believe they are very different."
Why is it not a surprise to us that Christians believe that the divine author of the Bible, God, is eternal (having no beginning and no ending)?
BECAUSE SOEMTHING MUST BE ETERNAL otherwise nothing would be here!!