Who told the story of the Good Samaritan?
What did Moses say to Pharoah?
The Burning Bush
Where/How did God appear to Moses?
What is the chemical formula for water?
450 Taylors Road
What is Gilson's address?
The Priest and the Levite
Who walked past the injured man?
He was accused of raping his owner's wife
Why was Joseph thrown into prison?
Who was the Leader of the Israelites after Mosees?
What is the capital of the Phillipines?
What is Mrs Starretts' husband's name?
Who wrote the Gospel where the Good Samaritan is found?
She put a red cord out her window
How did Rahab signal which house was hers?
There was a battle to see who was the real god
What happened on Mt. Carmel?
July 4th
When is American Independence Day?
Where do the Year 9's go for their Service Camp?
Who was the 'neighbour' in the story?
6 times for 6 days and 7 times on the 7th day.
How many times did the Israelites walk around Jericho to make the walls fall down?
The Widow at Zarephath's son
Who did Elijah raise from the dead?
28 Medals with 23 of them being gold.
How many medals did Michael Phelps win at Olympics'?
Helen Jakupec
Who is the principal of the Mernda Campus?
Two denarii
How much money did the Samaritan give the Innkeeper?
Luke 15:11-32
Where is the story of 'The Prodigal Son' found in the bible?
Roughly 20 years of wages
How much money did the Unforgiving Servant owe the king?
What is Mr Dunne's baby's name?