NEW Testemant
Books of the bible
Life of Jesus
In the beginning...

Which apostle lost his sight temporarily after he saw a vision of Jesus? 

1) Paul 

2) Barnabas 

3) Matthew 

4) Thomas

1) Paul

See: Acts 9:8


How many books are there in the Bible? 

1) 54 

2) 66 

3) 70 

4) 78

2) 66


What did the sons of Israel come to buy from Joseph during the famine?

1) farming equipment 

2) animals 

3) grain 

4) meat

3) grain

See: Genesis 42:5


How many basketfuls of pieces were left when Jesus fed the 5000?

1) 4

2) 12

3) 20

4) 26

2) 12

See: Matthew 14:20


What son did Eve say God gave her in place of Abel?

1) Enosh

2) Enoch

3) Seth

4) Cain

3) Seth

 See: Genesis 4:25


Who said he saw Jesus sitting at the right hand of God?

1) Stephen 

2) Nicanor 

3) Philip 

4) Procorus

1) Stephen  

See: Acts 7:56


What book comes next after `Exodus`?

1) Deuteronomy 

2) Numbers 

3) Joshua 

4) Leviticus

4) Leviticus


During a time of peace what did David wish to build for the Lord?

1) an alter to the Lord 

2) a home for Nathan the prophet 

3) a palace for himself 

4) a house for the ark of the Covenant to dwell

4) a house for the ark of the Covenant to dwell

See: 2 Samuel 7:2-5


What happened at the moment when Jesus died?

1) There was an earthquake. 

2) There was a flood. 

3) The temple veil tore. 

4) a and c

4) a and c

See: Matthew 27:51


Who is recorded in the Bible as speaking the first lie?

1) Cain

2) A serpent

3) Adam

4) Eve

2) A serpent  

See: Genesis 3:4


In Revelation, how long could the beast from the sea exercise his authority?

1) 36 months 

2) 42 months 

3) 58 months 

4) 60 months

2) 42 months  

See: Revelation 13:5


In what two books are neither the words `LORD` or `God` found?

1) Esther, Song of Solomon 

2) Obadiah, Ezra 

3) Song of Solomon, Ezra 

4) Zephaniah, Esther

1) Esther, Song of Solomon


How did Haman initially plan to kill Mordecai?

1) with a knife

2) with a bow and arrow

3) with gallows

4) with a sling shot

3) with gallows

See: Esther 5:14


Which gospel mentions the wise men or the Magi?

1) Matthew 

2) Mark 

3) Luke 

4) John

1) Matthew  

See: Matthew 2


What was the first animal that left Noah`s ark?

1) A raven 

2) A dove 

3) A sheep 

4) A pigeon

1) A raven

See: Genesis 8:7


What was Dorcas not famous for? 

1) making clothes

2) doing good 

3) selling purple dye 

4) helping the poor

3) selling purple dye  

See: Acts 9:36


What book comes next after `Jeremiah`?

1) Isaiah

2) Lamentations

3) Ezekiel

4) Daniel

2) Lamentations


Paul warned the Colossians not to be deceived by what?

1) evil doers 

2) festivals and rituals 

3) false letters 

4) philosophy and vain deceit

4) philosophy and vain deceit

See: Colossians 2:8


How long had the 4000 been with Jesus when he fed them with the seven loaves and few fish?

1) 1 day

2) 3 days 

3) 5 days 

4) 7 days

2) 3 days

See: Mark 8:2


What is the first color mentioned in the Bible?

1) White 

2) Blue 

3) Red 

4) Green

4) Green 

See: Genesis 1:30


Who was the high priest who ordered Paul struck?

1) Annas 

2) Caiaphas 

3) Ananias 

4) Zechariah

3) Ananias  

See: Acts 23:2


Where can the following verse be found? `But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.`

1) 2 Peter

2) 1 Timothy 

3) 1 Thessalonians

4) 2 Timothy

4) 2 Timothy  

See: 2 Timothy 3:1


In the book of Obadiah, Edom is compared to what bird?

1) sparrow

2) eagle

3) vulture

4) crow

2) eagle  

See: Obadiah 1:4


When some Greeks came to Philip asking to see Jesus, whom did he go to first?

1) Peter 

2) Andrew 

3) Jesus 

4) John

2) Andrew

See: John 12:22


Name the fourth named son of Japheth and the father of Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. His name was given to his poseterity, and is used to denote Greece.

1) Magog

2) Tubul

3) Javan

4) Gomer

3) Javan  

See: Genesis 10:2-4