Peter denied Jesus 4 times on the night of his arrest.
False; Peter denied Jesus 3 times on the night of his arrest.
What book of the Bible starts with the letter O?
What was Ruth's sister-in-law's name?
When Jesus healed the man with the demons, the towns people were mad. Were they Jews or Gentiles?
When Jesus met the man who was blind, how did He heal him?
With mud
There were 2 people crucified with Jesus; both on his right.
False; there was one on his left, and one on his right.
How many books are in the Old Testament?
Who was Jesus' brother?
What did the dove bring back the second time in the story of the flood?
An olive leaf
How long did Jesus wait to go to Lazarus?
3 days
Jesus baptized John The Baptist with water.
False; John the Baptist baptized Jesus with water.
what is the longest chapter in the Psalms?
Psalms 119
What was Matthew's occupation before he was a disciple of Jesus?
Tax Collector
What did Noah send out the first time when the flood had gone down?
A raven
When Jesus said He would rebuild the temple in 3 days, what was He actually talking about?
The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus like a dove after He was baptized.
What does Genesis mean?
What does Jesus mean?
Name two things that God promised to Abraham.
1.A son
2.Your offspring will be as numerous as the stars
How long was Jesus dead?
3 days
Peter was crucified diagonally.
False; Peter was crucified upside down.
how many chapters are in Genesis?
What was the name of the hill Jesus was crucified on?
What does it mean?
Place of the Skull
Name two ways Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness.
1. Turning rock into bread
2. With all the kingdoms
Where did Jesus and His family go to escape Herod when He was an infant?