God is set apart. God cannot sin
What is Holy
God is all powerful
We deal with your anger before it grows.
What is Jesus' Hard teaching about MURDER?
Only those who follow Jesus’ teachings will enter the Kingdom of Heaven
What is Jesus' Hard Teachings about TRUE/FALSE DISCIPLES
How does God answer prayer?
Yes, No, Wait/Not Yet
God knows all things at all times
What is Omniscience
God has no beginning and no end
We will know those who are good and bad from their life.
What is Jesus' Hard Teaching about TRUE/FALSE TEACHERS
You are worth more than all of His creation.
What is Jesus' Hard Teachings about WORRY?
What is Praise?
God does not change
What is Immutable
God is everywhere all the time
What is Omnipresent
We confront evil not with evil… but with good.
What is Jesus' Hard Teaching about EYE FOR AN EYE?
We pray for those who hurt us.
What is Jesus' Hard Teachings about LOVE FOR ENEMIES?
What is Repent?
God is the primary cause of all things
What is Creator
God does not need anyone or anything
What is Self-Existent
Our God provides for his creation.
What is Jesus' Hard Teachings about WORRY
it is more important to settle your problems than give an offering to God.
What is Jesus' Hard Teachings about MURDER?
What is Ask?
God makes all wrong things right
What is Justice
God shows extravagant love and kindness
What is Lovingkindness
We show kindness to those who don’t like us.
What is Jesus' Hard Teachings about LOVE FOR ENEMIES
People see your good works
What is Jesus' Hard Teachings about SALT OF THE EARTH