Bible 1
Bible 2
Bible 3
Bible 4
Boston Celtic trivia

Don't be extremely righteous so others will praise you. Seek heavenly rewards, not earthly ones.

What is #1


Make your name great. Rule over all. Let your plan be carried out. Provide what we need today. Cancel our debt for us. Protect us from sin

What is #3?


Life is more than stuff. Plus, Worry can't change anything; it just wastes your time

What is number 5?


A group of deer

What is a herd?


The color of the Celtics mascot

What is green?


Jesus challenges the motivations for genuinely righteous conduct

What is #2?


A gang 

What is a group of buffalo?


DO NOT BE ANXIOUS. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Are you not of more value than birds? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? Will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

What is number 11?


1) The broad way leads to destruction.

2) Beware of false prophets

3) Those who build on sand will crash

What is number 7?


This Boston Celtic dropped a 60 bomb on dey heads.

Who is Larry Bird?


Obedience is the evidence that someone really has submitted to Jesus as Lord. Good works don't bring about salvation, but salvation will result in good works.

What is number 18?


To know doesn't mean to know they exist; it means to have a personal relationship with.

What is number 8?


He didn't mean don't have discernment. He did mean don't judge people strictly while being guilty of those same sins. 

What is number 6?


Jesus's correct to hypocrisy was to be genuine, not to openly sin. You can ask God to deliver you from unbelief.

What is number 4?


This hall of famer has the most championship rings of any person dead or alive.

Who is Bill Russel?


They're both ferocious and vicious in seeking to devour their prey

What is number 13?


the gift of the Holy Spirit

What is number 12?


The transition word if FOR, which give additional reasoning.

What is number 10?


When you give, pray, and fast

What is number 9?


Originally from the Timberwolves, he won a key championship under the leadership of a doctor in 2008

Who is Kevin Garnett?


If you call out to God for help, He is sure to answer your prayer and provide the help of the Holy Spirit--one of the New Covenant blessings.

What is number 17?


God isn't unfair. You'll get different kinds of treasures if you're seeking first his kingdom. 

What is number 16?


The New Covenant allows for forgiveness of sins (a request in the Lord's prayer) and that God will write the law on our hearts = "thy will be done"

What is number 15?


Saying versus doing. Hearing versus doing.

What is number 14?


The best Boston Celtic coach of all time (hint: his first name is a color)

Who is Red Auerbach?