God said on the first day of creation.
Let there be light.
The sin of Adam and Eve was this.
They disobeyed God by eating from the fruit of the tree of knowledge that God told them not to eat.
He received the Ten Commandments from God
Another name for Gospel
Good news
When God finished creation God looked at everything he made and found it to be this.
God found it very good
Two things happened as a consequence of Adam and Eve's sin.
They were sent out of the garden and death came into the world.
God asked Abraham to sacrifice this person to make up for his sin
His son (Isaac)
Jesus' followers are called
God planted a garden and it was called this.
To free everyone from sin God sent whom to rescue the world.
Name one of the Commandments
Do not worship false gods. Do not use God's name disrespectfully. Keep Sunday (sabbath) holy. Do not disobey your parents (honour your mom and dad). Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not kill. Do not commit adultery. Do not accuse anyone falsely. Do not become jealous for other's possessions
Jesus called 12 men to be his closest friends and are known by this name
God placed in the garden these two people.
Adam and Eve
The Son of God
These men in the Old Testament warned the Hebrew people to obey God and live according to the commandments. Some also foretold the coming of a Messiah.
The writers of scripture or the bible were inspired by this person of the Trinity
Holy Spirit
This animal or creature tempted Eve in the garden.
Snake or serpent
The mother of Jesus
The Hebrew people would sacrifice this animal to make up for sin
Lamb (sheep), or a ram
God is a communion of persons - name the persons
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit