Which brother got murdered?
Abel was murdered.
Who took the first bite of the apple?
What is the 6th commandment?
You shall not commit adultery.
What river did Moses got put into?
Nile River
Who told Noah to make the ark?
It was God.
Which brother killed the other brother?
Cain killed Abel.
Who made eve eat the apple?
The snake despised as satan.
What is the 7th commandment?
You shall not steal.
What are the name's of Moses children?
Gershom and Eliezer.
What was the first animal Noah sent to find dry land?
Noah sent a crow.
What was the punishment God gave Cain?
God put a mark on Cain so that anybody who found him wouldn't kill him.
What was the sin Adam and Eve committed?
The sin they committed was pride.
What is the 5th commandment?
Honor your mother and father.
Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
Mount Sinai.
How long did they stay on the boat?
40 days and 40 nights
What was Cain's job?
Where did Adam and Eve live?
The Garden of Eden?
What does the 10th commandment mean?
You shall not want what other people have.
Where did Moses die?
Mount Nebo.
What sign did God send down promising he would never flood the earth again?
A rainbow
What was the name of Cain's wife?
What was the Punishment both genders got as a punishment because of Adam and Eve?
The women's got pain during birth and the men got Adam's apple.
Who was the person who went up the mountain to get the ten commandments from God?
What is the name of Moses's wives?
Tharbis and Zipporah.
What was the name of all of Noah's sons?
Ham, Shem, Yam, Japeth