Bible Basics1
Bible Basics2
Bible Basics3
Bible Basics4
Bible Basics5
This is the primary author of Scripture.
Who is God?
This is a legal way to make someone part of your family, and the Bible is divided into 2 of them.
What is a covenant?
This is how many books are in the Catholic Bible and approved by Apostolic Tradition.
What is 73?
This is how many books are in the Old Testament handed down to us by Jesus Christ through Apostolic Tradition.
What is 46?
This is how many books are in the New Testament of the Bible which was handed down faithfully by the Apostles and their successors.
What is 27?
The Holy Spirit inspired these to write the sacred scriptures.
Who are human authors?
This is refers to the Biblical text's instructions for living and behaving; that is, what we are to do In other words, how does the literal sense point to the Christian life in the Church.
What is Moral Sense?
These are the 4 last things.
What are death, judgement, heaven and hell?
This is the Pope who in 405 AD approved the 73 books canon and closed the canon of the Bible.
Who is Pope Innocent I?
This is how many years went by before the canon of the Bible was disputed (or argued over) at the time of the reformation.
What is 1100?
This is the attribute of the books of the Scripture whereby they faithfully and without error teach that truth which God, for the sake of our salvation, wanted us to know through the Bible.
What is inerrancy? (FYI: the noun is "inerrancy" and the adjective is inerrant.
The refers to the text’s significance, as it pertains to heavenly/eternal matters. In other words, how the literal sense points to the Christian's heavenly destiny and the last things.
What is Anagogical sense?
This is the new and eternal covenant?
What is the Eucharist?
This is the Hebrew word for emptiness or a void.
What is wabohu?
This is the Hebrew word for formlessness.
What is tohu?
This refers to what the words of scripture mean at the surface level and, as it was understood at the time, how things actually happened.
What is the literal sense?
This word comes from Greek and means 70. It is what we call the Greek Translation of the Old Testament.
What is the Septuagint?
When God was addressing the problems of formlessness and emptiness in the creation He made, what were the three categories that describe what he made on the first three days?
What is time, space, and habitat?
This is WHAT the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd days of Creation look like when reading Genesis 1.
What is (DRAW IT!)
This is what the 4th - 6th days of creation look like when reading Genesis 1.
Draw it!!
This refers to the Biblical text's significance, as it pertains to God. In other words, this is "how those things, events, or persons in the literal sense, point to Christ and the Paschal Mystery"
What is Allegorical sense?
This is the Church Council that was held in 397 AD and approved the same OT and NT canon as the previous Church council that took place in 393 AD.
What is the Council of Carthage?
This Church Council took place in 393 AD and was the first Church Council to officially approve the canon of the Bible as it was handed down for centuries from Jesus Christ and his apostles.
What is the Council of Hippo?
Where was the Apostle John exiled when he wrote the book of Revelation?
What is the Island of Patmos?