The first five books in the Old Testament are commonly referred to as _________ in Judaism.
If you were given the scriptural reference "Gen 1: 2-3", what passage would you refer to?
Genesis chapter 1, verses 2-3
"No group should be excluded or marginalized" is a key idea in what Catholic Social Teaching?
Christian Scripture is divided into 2 Testaments. What are they?
Old Testament and New Testament
Name a Book of the Bible named after a woman?
Ruth, Ester, Judith
In the Catholic Bible, how many books are there in total?
In Genesis 25: 25-30, what does Esau ask Jacob for?
bowl of stew / red stew
Recycling and reducing carbon footprints are examples of which Catholic Social Teaching in action?
Stewardship of Creation
What does the New Testament about?
God’s agreement with all people through Jesus
What is a parable?
A story which serves to teach a lesson or provide insights into human nature.
What does testament mean?
Sacred agreement between God and his people
In Jn 13: 21, what does Jesus predict?
the betrayal
What does the Catholic Social Teaching for Participation represent?
All people have a right to participate in the economic, political, and cultural life of society. It is a fundamental demand of justice and a requirement for human dignity that all people be assured a minimum level of participation in the community.
What is the Old Testament about?
God’s agreement with the Hebrew people through Moses.
What does the word 'Bible' mean?
The word Bible comes from the Greek word ‘biblios’ meaning books.
What are the first 5 books of the Bible?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
In Jer 13: 1-5, what were Jeremiah’s shorts made out of?
How many Catholic Social Teachings are there?
What is inerrancy?
The Bible contains eternal truths that teach us about who we are and what it means to be in a relationship with God.
We believe that while there are some minor errors in Scripture (dates, names, etc), the main messages are truth.
What is Symbolic Truth?
Using myths, allegories, and parables, the Bible teaches us the lessons that a person requires to live their lives in goodness.
What is the difference between a textualist and contextual interpretation of the Bible?
Text only vs Text and context
What are the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant (Ex. 25: 10).
two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high
Name 6 Catholic Social Teachings.
Participation, Promotion of Peace, Role of Government, Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, Rights and Responsibilities, Solidarity, Stewardship of Creation, Rights and Responsibilities, Community and the Common Good, Human Dignity, Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
The Bible has 3 types of history. What are they?
Oral History, Written History, and Edited History
How many books are there in the New Testament?