The man anointed to be king after king Saul betrayal to God
The earthly parents of Jesus
Mary and Joseph
Jesus turned this substance into wine
Last book of the Old Testament
The disciple that denied Jesus 3 times
God gave him the Ten Commandments
This gospel writer included the command to "go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
This disciple walked on water with Jesus
This book contains 150 chapters
Jesus' final words on the cross
"it is finished"
The eighth commandment
"you shall not steal"
He climbed a tree to see Jesus
Jesus fed thousands of people with this
5 Loaves and 2 fishes
The 5th book of the New Testament
Book of Acts
Inscription (or title) for Jesus placed above the cross
the King of the Jews
Father of the Faith
His sermons paved the way for Jesus' earthly ministry by calling for all to repent
John the Baptist
The illness that the man had who was lowered through the roof to be healed by Jesus
He was Paralyzed
This book contains the story of the man healed by the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem
Book of John
Washed his hands and said "I am innocent of this man's blood."
Pontius Pilate
King David's son with Bathsheba
The City that Apostle Paul was from.
He was raised from the dead by Jesus
This book has the shortest verse in the Bible
Gospel of John
This happened on the third day
the resurrection (he rose!)
Friend of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Daniel (Belteshazzar)
he wrote the book of Acts
Peter cut this off of one of the men arresting Jesus. Jesus restored it.
his ear
This book tells the story of Samson
Book of Judges
First person to see Jesus rise from the grave
Mary Magdalene
On what day was man created
6th day.
The last word in the entire bible
The reason why Jesus wept
The death of Lazarus
This prophet describes who people make an idol out of the same wood that they use for other things
He met with Jesus at the beginning of his ministry and brought expensive spices for Jesus' body when he died
He made the first golden calf for the Israelites
The bible book that the Ethiopian Eunuch was reading when Philip met him
the book of Isaiah
Jesus restored this to Bartimaeus
his sight
This book of the Bible (Revelations) was written by
Apostle John
What is the famous Old Testament feast that Jesus celebrated before his death?
Who was buried in the cave Machpelah
Sarah, Abraham's wife
What is the shortest book New Testament
Second John
Jesus saw him sitting under a fig tree before they had even met, proving that he is the Messiah
This book includes the words: "For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."
1 Corinthians
For how much was Jesus sold
30 shekels of silver