Old Testament
New Testament
Miracles of Jesus
Bible Couples

This young shepherd killed a giant and went on to become a great king.



This descendant of the House of David married this young lady although she was already expecting a child.

 Mary and Joseph


where was the  wedding where Jesus turned water into wine.  It is also known in the Bible as His first miracle



The first couple of the Old Testament.

 Adam and Eve


Born a Hebrew, raised as an Egyptian led the Hebrews out of Egypt.



Although he denied knowing Jesus, this "rock" was tasked with building the Church.  He was also the first Pope.



This man from Bethany, was good friend to Jesus.  After learning of his friend's death, Jesus wept and then raised him from the dead.



This king fell in love with this married woman.  The king plotted to have the husband killed in battle so he could marry her.

 David and Bathsheba


This man tricked his old and blind father (Isaac) to give him the firstborn blessing which belonged to his older twin brother Esau



After Jesus's death, resurrection and ascension into heaven, the people gathered together heard a loud sound and spoke in different languages.  

day of Pentecost


Five loaves and two fishes was all that Jesus needed to feed this many people.



This couple were parents to John the Baptist.  She was Mary's cousin and he was a priest who lost his ability to speak until the child was born.

 Zechariah and Elizabeth


 a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, he went up by a whirlwind into heaven (2 Kings 2:11).



This man from Tarsus was at first feared by Christians.  After his conversion he went on to become one of the most popular evangelists of all times.  He even changed his name.



A paralyzed man was brought to Jesus for healing but the crowd around him was such that friends of the paralytic had to lower him through this part of the house in order to get him close to Jesus

 the roof


This couple were parents to Mary who was conceived without sin.

 Joachim and Anne


This prophet was swallowed by a fish while trying to avoid doing what God had asked him to do.  To go to this city to evangelize the people.


 city of Nineveh


In the Gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke we learn of a time when Jesus went up to a mountain to pray with 3 of his apostles (John, James and Peter) they witnessed Jesus's face change, his clothes became dazzling white and these two other men appeared next to him.

Moses and Elijah


Jesus was traveling to Jairus' house, amid a large crowd: And a woman was there who touched the hem of his garment, who was bleeding for how many years?



He was consecrated to God at birth.  Grew to be strong until this woman betrayed him to the Philistines by revealing to them that the secret of his strength was his hair.

Who were Samson and Delilah?