What city did God make the walls fall so Joshua and the Israelites could conquer it?
Name the city where Jesus was born?
How did Moses’ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?
Put him in a basket in the river
What was God’s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth again?
The first book of the bible?
Who was the first man mentioned in the bible
What golden image did the Israelites make at Mt. Sinai?
A golden Calf
How many disciples did Jesus choose?
Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?
What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings?
Coat of many colors
The book of the bible Jesus wrote
He wrote the most books in the bible
Name one food God sent to feed the Israelites in the desert?
Quail and Manna
Who was Jesus’ most famous cousin?
John the Baptist
When Moses confronted the Pharaoh, what did his staff turn into when he threw it on the ground?
A snake
Where did the slave traders take Joseph?
How books/letters are in the bible
How many days did God take to create the world
What did Moses say God commanded the Pharaoh to do?
What happened when Jesus went into the wilderness?
He was tempted by Satan
When Moses fled, where did the Pharaoh almost catch up to him?
The Red Sea
What did God change Jacob’s name to before his meeting with Esau?
The four books of the bible that make up the Gospel
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?
Who were the only two Israelites allowed to go into the Promised Land after many years?
Joshua and Caleb
Name Jesus’ hometown.
hat did Moses do after he killed an Egyptian?
Ran away to the desert
Who was Abram’s wife?
The longest book in the bible
How many people were saved on the ark?
Where did God give Moses the Ten Commandments?
Mt. Sinai
What was Matthew before he followed Jesus?
Tax Collector
How many plagues did God send on Egypt because they would not listen to Moses?
The shortest book in the bilbe
3 John
How many books of the bible have "John" in the title?
1 John, 2 John, 3 John