It'll take a Miracle
Women of the Bible
N@me Me@nings
The Missing Proverb
Dem Levites

Jesus made an eye salve and heals a blind man, it was made out of clay and what other ingredient?

What is saliva?


This sensible woman stopped King David from killing her husband.

Who is Abigail?


His name means 'He causes to become.'

Who is Jehovah?


"It is the blessing of Jehovah that makes one ____ and he adds no pain with it."

Proverbs 10:22

What is rich?


Jehovah forbade the priests and Levites when on duty to not drink wine or other _____ of any form under the penalty of death.

Leviticus 10:8,9

What is Alcoholic Beverages?


Rushing to escape their enemies, some Israelites threw a dead man's body in a tomb and suddenly he came back to life. Which prophet's bones was buried there?

Who is Elisha?


She knew better, yet this naughty girl got herself into trouble by associating with the Ca'naanites.

Who is Dinah?


His name means 'Jehovah is Salvation.'

Who is Jesus


" The one walking with the wise will become wise, But the one who has _______ with the stupid ones will fare badly."

Proverbs 13:20

What is dealings?


The Levites set up, dismantled, and carried the ____

Numbers 1:50,51.

What is the Tabernacle?


During the exodus from Egypt, Jehovah guided his people by a pillar of cloud during the day, what did he use to guide them during the night?

What is a pillar of fire?


This woman wanted the 1,100 pieces of silver owed to her, and betrayed the strongest man during their time.

Who is Deli'lah?


His name means 'drawn out' [that is saved out of water].

Who is Moses?


" A stupid son brings adversity on his father,

And a _________  ______ is like a roof that never stops leaking.

Proverbs 19:13

What is a quarrelsome wife?


At what age did a Levite assume his duty in Moses day?

Numbers 4:46-49.

What is 30 years of age?


This evil man responded to a talking donkey.

Who is Ba'laam?


This prophetess led the women of Israel in joyful tambourine playing and dancing, after Jehovah's triumph over Pharaoh.

Who is Miriam?


His name means "rebel" because he stirred up the whole world to rebel against God's sovereignty. 

Who is Nimrod?


A calm heart gives life to the body,

But _____ is rottenness to the bones."

Proverbs 14:30

What is jealousy?


The Levites determined their duties with the use of this very uncommon method.

1 Chronicles 24:31 

What is "by the casting of lots?"


During Belshaz'zar's grand banquet, an ominous hand writes these four words on the wall.

What is "ME'NE, ME'NE, TEKEL, and PAR'SIN"


The daughter in law of Naomi who decided to return to her people.

Who is Or'pah?


This false god's name means Owner of the Gadflies. YUCK

Who is Baa-ze'bub?


"Better to meet a bear bereaved of her cubs

Than to encounter someone _____ in their foolishness. 

Proverbs 17:12

What is stupid?


Maintenance of the Levites was mainly by tithes from other tribes, a _____ __ ___________ in produce and cattle was to be given to them.

2 Chronicles 31:4,5

What is a "tenth of everything"