The Master at Work
Earth, Sea and Sky
The Garden of God
Rules of Engagement
Trouble in Paradise

On this day God creates the ocean and the land.

What is the third day (Day 3)? [Genesis 1:9-10]


In Genesis 1 God routinely blesses His living creatures by telling them to do this.

What is "Be fruitful and multiply (and fill the earth/waters)"? [Genesis 1:21-22, 24-28]


God sanctifies this day because He rests from all His work on it.

What is the seventh day (Day 7; the Sabbath)? [Genesis 2:3]


God places the first man here after creating him.

What is the Garden of Eden? [Genesis 2:7-8, 15]


He is described as walking "in the cool of the day".

Who is God? [Genesis 3:8]


God creates sea creatures and birds on this day.

What is the fifth day (Day 5)? [Genesis 1:20-21]


In the KJV, on Day 2 God uses this to separate the waters above from the waters below.

What is a "firmament"? [Genesis 1:6-8]


Before there is rain, God uses this to water the ground.

What is a mist from the earth? [Genesis 2:4-6]


God uses this activity to make Adam realize that he is alone.

What is naming the animals? [Genesis 2:18-20]


Adam tells God he was hiding because of this.

What is nakedness/he is naked? [Genesis 3:8-10]


These iconic words are the first to ever be spoken by anyone in the Bible.

What is "Let there be light"? [Genesis 1:3]


Biologically speaking, this class of being is the first form of life that God creates and comes from the earth on the third day.

What are plants (and trees)/What is plant life/What is vegetation? [Genesis 1:11-13]


The very first time that the Bible declares something is "not good", we find God expressing it in this iconic Genesis 2 statement.

What is "It is not good that man should be alone"? [Genesis 2:18]


Her name means "Mother of all living".

Who is Eve? [Genesis 3:20]


This being, known for being crafty and subtle, is responsible for deceiving Eve into eating the Forbidden Fruit.

What is the serpent? [Genesis 3:1-6]


This is the only day in Creation Week where God does not explicitly pronounce something as good.

What is "the second day (Day 2)"? [Genesis 1:6-8]


God makes these to help man mark "signs and seasons and days and years". 

What are the sun, moon and stars? [Genesis 1:14-19]


The river that flows out of Eden eventually splits and becomes this many rivers.

What is 4? [Genesis 2:10-14]


Husbands and wives are described as becoming this.

What is one flesh? [Genesis 2:24]


God appoints these beings as guardians to bar re-entry into Eden after Adam and Eve's fall.

What are Cherubim? [Genesis 3:22-24]


In these 2 consecutive verses of Genesis 1, God announces His intent to create mankind and then goes on to do it.

What are verses 26 and 27? [Genesis 1:26-27]


God gives this to man, animals and birds for food.

What are plants and fruits? [Genesis 1:29-30]


These 2 trees are placed by God at the center of Eden.

What are the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? [Genesis 2:8-9; 3:3]


If Adam eats from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he is warned this will happen to him.

What is he will surely die? [Genesis 2:15-17]


This verse of Genesis 3 is known for giving us the first messianic prophecy in the Bible.

What is verse 15/Genesis 3:15? [Genesis 3:15]