Memory Verses & Lessons
Armor of God

Who should we put First?



2 part Answer: 

1) Fill in the Blank. The Shield of _______ protects us. 

2) What does it protect us from?

Shield of FAITH

Protects us from the darts of the enemy/Devil


What are the 3 Major Rules in Bible Boot Camp?

Do Right, Be Nice, Have Fun

What does the Bible say for Children to do in Ephesians 6:1?

Obey Your Parents


Name 3 pieces of the Armor of God

Belt of Truth, 

Breastplate of Righteousness, 

Sandals of the Gospel of Peace,

Shield of Faith,

Helmet of Salvation, 

Sword of the Spirit


What did God use Moses to do?

Set the Israelites free from Slavery


Give an example of How to Put God First?

Various Answers


Name a piece of the Armor of God and how you can use it in life?

Various Answers


Fill in the Blanks: In the Motto, it says that 

"And we believe in ______, _____, _____!

And we shall not be ________ ______, because we're sold out to Jesus!"

Miracles, Miracles, Miracles!

Bought Out


Ms. Liann did a science activity where we made bouncy balls out of various products that didn’t seem like it could make a bouncy ball or anything. What was the purpose of her lesson (what was it to show)?

God can use anything! God can make something awesome from things that seem to be worth nothing.


Where in the Bible can you find the Armor of God?

Ephesians 6:10-18


What is the most important reason why we memorize the books of the bible?

So we can find scriptures in the Bible Quicker


Name 2 reasons why we have you present in front of your parents?

Various Answers:Minister & Preach the Gospel, Develop life-long skills that will benefit you.


The Sword of the Spirit is also called what? And how do we use it?

The Word of God. We use the Word of God/Bible as Scriptures to fight against the enemy.


What is one bible verse that goes along with the first 2 classroom rules - Do Right & Be Nice?

Various Answers: 

Put God First, Love God with all your strength

Love Neighbor as ourselves, 

Do Unto Others as you want them to do to you