Journey Through Genesis
Old Testament Heroes
Old Testament Wisdom
New Testament Wisdom
Jesus in the Gospels
He created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Who is God?
He's known as the father of God's people. Genesis 17:4
Who was Abraham?
The number of books in the Old Testament. Look in the table of contents.
What is 39?
The number of books in the New Testament. Look in your table of contents.
What is 27?
He is the angel who told Mark she would have a baby. Luke 1:26-31
Who is Gabriel?
The Babylonians wanted to build this kind of building. Genesis 11:3
What is a tower that would reach the sky or the Tower of Babel?
He was a hairy man and a good hunter. Genesis 25
Who was Esau?
Instead of using you own judgment, you should do this. Proverbs 3:5
What is "trust the Lord with all you heart"?
In the story about the farmer, this soil represents the message that is accepted buy not kept for long. Matthew 13:20-21
What is rocky ground?
Jesus was born in the same town as this famous Bible character. Luke 2:11
Who is King David?
Lot's wife turned into this when she disobeyed the angel's warning. Genesis 19:26
What is a pillar of salt.
She was very loyal to her mother-in-law Naomi. Ruth
Who is Ruth?
This is all you will get if you correct a worthless bragger. Proverbs 9:7
What are "insults and injuries"?
There is great happiness in heaven when this takes place. Luke 15:7
What is "one sinner turns to God"?
It's the reason Jesus was led into the desert after being baptized. Matthew 4:1
What was "to be tempted by the devil"?
Angels used it to go from earth to heaven in Jacob's dream. Genesis 28:22
What is a ladder?
He was Moses's brother and a high priest of Israel. Exodus 28
Who is Aaron
You will eventually say the wrong thing if you do this. Proverbs 10:19
What is to "talk too much"?
In the end times, many will claim to be this. Matthew 24:3-5
What is the Messiah?
Jesus compared Christians to these two common household items. Matthew 5:13-16
What were salt and light?
Two things belonging to Potiphar that the Lord began to bless because of Joseph. Genesis 39:5
What were Potiphar's family and fields?
The King that wrote more than 3,000 wise sayings and more than 1,000 songs. Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes
Who is Solomon?
Hanging out with fools will hurt you, but these will make you wise. Proverbs 13:20
What are wise friends?
Jesus said that a friend will get up to help in the middle of the night as long as you do this. Luke 11:8
What is to keep asking without being ashamed?
Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Matthew 28:19
What is what Jesus' followers must do (the Great Commission)?