Multiple Choice
False -->True
Fill in/Essay

The study of why and how we make moral choices



What does the moral argument imply?

a. There is a Lawgiver. 

b. Some laws are illegal.

c Laws are generally good. 

d. Laws are always just and right.



When Christians make a moral choice, they are always guided only by Scripture.

When Christians make a moral choice, they are guided by Scripture, by their conscience, and by the Holy Spirit.


The belief that ethical decisions can vary depending on the situation is called _______ _______

situation ethics


The belief that since moral law exists, there must be a Lawgiver

Moral Argument 


Why do people reject moral absolutes and instead rely on moral relativism?

a. because there are no absolutes 

b. because they feel their judgment is reliable

c. because they trust in God 

d. because they feel superior to other people



Obedience to God’s law is restrictive and based on control rather than on love.

Obedience to God’s law is freeing and based on love rather than on control


The two greatest commandments that we as Christians are to follow are _____________and _______________

love God, love your neighbor


Universal standards that are true for all people at all times

Moral absolutes


How would someone with an atheistic/naturalistic worldview account for morality?

a. It evolved as people evolved. 

b. It is necessary for the survival of the species.

c. It does not exist. 

d. It proves general revelation.

A, B


It is never right to disobey civil authorities or laws.

When authorities or laws contradict God’s laws, it is right to disobey civil laws.


The belief that right and wrong vary from culture to culture

Cultural moral relativism


Which are true of those who believe in cultural moral relativism? 

a. God is sovereign. 

b. God’s Word is true regardless of time or place. 

c. Morality varies from culture to culture. 

d.Culture defines morality.

What do Christians rely on to guide moral choices? 

a. how they feel from day to day 

b. whatever their neighbors think is right or wrong

c. God’s character as revealed in his Word 

d. random chance




There are never dilemmas when Christians have to make ethical choices.

Sometimes there are dilemmas when Christians have to make ethical choices.


Explain why loving our neighbor is not just a duty.

Loving our neighbor is a responsibility that we as Christians take on because God first loved us. It is our love-response to what he has already done, and it is a response that shows the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.


The belief that there are no objective, moral norms that apply to everyone

Moral relativism


What are reasons moral relativism can’t help a community or culture make moral choices?

a. It varies from person to person. 

b. One day something is right and the next it’s wrong.

c. It depends on individual opinion. 

d. It would create chaos in society.



World cultures have nothing in common when it comes to what is right or wrong.

All world cultures have similar standards of right and wrong, good and evil.


Explain why it is impossible for human beings to create ethical and moral standards that equal or exceed God’s standards.

People are sinful, selfish, corrupt, and changeable. They cannot make ethical standards that show love for others.


What is the verse?

Proverbs 16:25 there is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.