
This is the name of Abraham's nephew who chose to live in Sodom.

Who is Lot?


Moses' older sister

Who is Miriam?


This is how Elijah got food during a severe drought.

What is: Ravens brought him bread and meat?


David's first job

What is: a shepherd?


Before he was saved, he approved of the stoning of this godly man.

Who was Stephen?

This is the lie Abraham told about his wife Sarah because he was afraid Pharaoh would kill him to marry her (because she was so beautiful).

What is: "She is my sister"?


Moses' brother who made the golden calf, but he later became Israel's High Priest

Who was Aaron?


This happened when a widow of Zarephath baked bread for Elijah with her last portion of flour and oil.

What is: Her flour and oil did not run out until the drought was over?


This is the instrument David played.

What is a lyre (harp)?


This is how Paul escaped from Damascus when the Jews wanted to kill him for converting to Christianity and preaching about Jesus.

What is: He was lowered by a large basket through an opening in the city wall.


This was the name of Abraham's first son, whose mother was Sarah's servant.  

Who is Ishmael?


This is why Moses fled from Egypt

What is: He murdered an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew (Israelite) slave?


This happened to the widow's son while Elijah was staying with them.

What is: Her son died, but Elijah prayed over him and God brought him back to life?


The name of David's closest friend

Who was Jonathan?


This is why a young man named Eutychus fell from a third story window one night and died. (He was brought back to life, though!)

What is: Paul preached so late into the night that Eutychus fell asleep during the message?

Who came to visit Abraham and Sarah to remind them of God's promise of a son? (be specific)

Who are: Jesus (pre-incarnate) and 2 angels


This is where Moses' wife was from.

Where is Midian?


God did this when Elijah built an altar, sacrificed a bull on it, drenched it with water, and prayed for God to answer his prayer so everone would know the Lord was the one true God.

What is: Fire flashed down from heaven and consumed the stones, the wood, the bull, and the water?


This is what God called David

What is: "a man after My own heart"?

This is how many times Paul was shipwrecked. 

What is 3 times?


This is the name of the king and priest of Salem who blessed Abraham.

Who is Melchizedek?


Although Moses had a close relationship with God, he was forbidden from entering the promised land because... 

What is: He hit the rock to provide water for the people instead of speaking to it as God had instructed. (He dishonored God's holiness.)


When Elijah felt like he was the only one taking a stand for God, the Lord told him this many others in Israel had not worshiped idols.

What is: 7,000?


This woman had a foolish husband named Nabal who refused to help David and his men. She quickly took food to David and protected her household with her wise words. (When Nabal died, she became David's wife.)

Who was Abigail?


This is what Paul calls the thing that tormented him. (God did not remove it, but instead said, "My grace is enough for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.")

What is: a thorn in my flesh?