How did David defeat Goliath?
He threw a stone from his sling
Why is the Bible not a "book"?
It is comprised of many books.
Where was Jesus baptized?
Jordan River
In what city was Jesus born?
What was the first thing that God created?
Which person was swallowed by a big fish?
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
Jesus wept. John 11:35
What is the city on the hill? It is also called the city of peace.
How many days of temptation did Jesus endure in the wilderness?
To whom did Jesus say, `Blessed are they who have not seen & yet have believed`?
Who was the strongest man in the Bible? He pushed down the pillars of a temple burying himself and about 3,000 Philistines alive.
What is the shortest book in the New Testament?
2 John (has 13 verses)
What is the name of the mountain where Jesus loved to pray? He was arrested there.
The Mount of Olives
How many baskets full of food were left when Jesus fed the 5000 people?
What is the symbol of God’s promise to Noah?
The rainbow
Who was the first person to be appointed King of Israel?
How many books are in the Bible?
What was the mountain of the Ten Commandments?
Mount Sinai
Jesus walked on what body of water?
Caspian Sea
How does Judas signal Jesus’s identity to the Roman officials?
He kisses him
Who was the wisest man in the Bible? He asked God for an understanding mind instead of money, power, or a long life. God granted him a wise mind, as well as money, power, and a long life.
What is the last word in the Bible?
What was the name of Joseph's hometown?
Out of what woman had Jesus cast 7 demons?
Why does Moses break the stone tablets inscribed with God’s commandments at Mount Sinai?
Because the people were worshipping golden idols