Old Testament construction
New Testament Construction
Debated Books

There are 39 total books in this, but some Christians would include more

How many books are in the Old Testament?


Luke wrote this tome that was later detached from its first section and placed after the other Gospel stories.

What is Acts (of the Apostles)?

Collection of books contained in the Catholic Bible but not the Protestant Bible.

What is the Apocrypha?


A belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious belief

What is heresy?
Christians would describe the Bible with this word which means "incapable of being wrong"

What is inerrant?


This section of the Old Testament includes Isaiah.

What is the Prophecy section?


This man wrote more books contained in the New Testament than anyone else.

Who is Paul?


Name of a book that early churches used to their benefit but was not included in the Canon of scripture because the author was unknown.

Shepherd of Hermas OR Didache


This heretical book contains verses attributed to Jesus that state a woman must become a man before she can enter the kingdom of heaven.

What is the Gospel of Thomas?


No, as in the order of the Bible

Is the Bible chronologically ordered?


Moses would be considered the author of these books, although his own funeral is described therein!

What is the Torah or Pentateuch?

There are 27 books contained within this....

How many books are in the New Testament?


This "Gospel" was not written by its supposed author, but by a heretical group trying to pass off their beliefs.

What is the Gospel of Thomas OR Peter OR Mary Magdalen


This early group wrote several forged documents claiming to be written by Thomas, Peter, and Mary Magdalen.

Who were the Gnostics?


These books were not referred to by Jesus or any Apostles as scripture, are included in some Bibles

What is one reason the Apocrypha is not in our Bible?


If chronologically ordered, this book would be placed inside Genesis, but is instead placed with other poetic books.

What is Job?


This man wrote the most content in the New Testament in only two books.

Who is Luke?


This New Testament book made it into the canon of scripture even though we don't know who authored it.

What is the book of Hebrews?


This man is credited with compiling the first complete list of the excepted 66 books of our Bible in 327 A.D.

Who was Athanasius?


Early Christians were horribly persecuted for their faith by the Romans, not allowing this to take place until much later with regards to our Bible.

Why did it take so long for the Bible to be assembled?  Bible assembly


This book in the apocrypha describes a family that became a leader of Jewish rebellion in the 2nd century B.C., also contains the story of the miracle of Hanukkah.  Also, is not included in the Protestant canon of scripture

What is 1 (and/or 2) Maccabees?


This New Testament author is credited with a Gospel but was not a known disciple of Jesus, possibly was present when Jesus was arrested and escaped naked.

Who was Mark?


This year is when the Catholic Church officially recognized the apocrypha as part of the canon of scripture.

1546ish at the Council of Trent


This one element of the criteria for inclusion in the canon discusses the way and amount any early book was used and if it benefitted the early Christians or not.

What is church usage?


The Isaiah scroll, as compared to the other scrolls found

What is the most significant of the Dead Sea Scrolls?