Creation - The way it _________ to be.
Redemption -Redemption is accomplished through the person and work of ___________ ____________.
Jesus Christ
What sign did God make with Noah and every living creature of all flesh on earth that he would not destroy it
The Passover lamb in Exodus 12 is fulfilled in Who?
Jesus Christ.
Creation - Insight into God's ____________ intent for the creation.
Redemption - Genesis 3:15 is known as the ________ Gospel.
Who will be the one that will come to claim the scepter/ruler's staff in Genesis 49:10
___________ is the way through the impossible path to reach God.
Creation - Nakedness = No ____________ = good.
Restoration - The way it _________ be.
The Gospel is evident when God speaks to Noah in what scripture verse.
Genesis 9:16
The lambs' blood in Exodus 12 saved those Israelites who smeared blood on their ___________, the way Jesus' blood offers forgiveness and salvation to us today.
Fall - The way it __________.
Restoration - Will lead to eternity in the _____ ______________ and _______ ____________.
new heaven new earth
God tells Noah, . . . "I will see it and remember the _____________________ covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth."
Salvation and destruction were evident in________salvation and _________ death at the Red Sea.
Fall - Mankind was _______________ from God.
People were fully known, fully seen, and ___________ to God during creation.
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.
This verse is found where?
Deut. 6:5-6
Salvation and destruction are evident as Jesus provides ____________ for all who believe and cancels the______________ that stood against us, nailing it to the cross.
salvation, debt
Fall - ______________ was lost.
The fall created debt, death, and ___________ between man and God.
Who is God speaking to when he states that "all the families of the earth shall be blessed?"
Through the making of a people, God promised to make Israel his ________________ among all peoples if they would obey His voice and keep His covenant.
"treasured possession"
Fall - Sin causes a __________ between man and God that we cannot pay.
If man (and woman) were not expelled from the garden, they would have lived__________ ________ _______.
eternally with sin.
In Genesis 15, God "Cut a covenant" with Abram. During the time of Abram, "cutting a covenant" meant:
Cutting animals in two pieces and having both parties walking through the center blood path signifies their commitment to the covenant.
In the "Making of a People," God promises to make His people a kingdom of __________and a holy ___________.
priests, nation
Redemption - The way it _____ be.
_______________ is a summary scripture that describes the relationship between people and people after the fall.
Genesis 3:16
During the covenant in Genesis 15, it is understood that God walked through the blood path two times, symbolizing:
That God would endure the consequences if the covenenat was disobeyed symbolizing Jesus enduring the weight of sin on the cross.
The intact bones are similar in Exodus 12:46 and John 19:31 because Israel was not to break any of the bones when preparing the ____________ in Exodus 12:46; similarly, ________ _______were unbroken in His crucifixion.
Passover lamb, Jesus' bones
Fall - Satan was provoking ____________ in God's willingness to be good and give fully, . . .
Restoration - A bodily ____________________ is to occur at Christ's return...
Genesis 17:17 states, "And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an ____________________________ covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you."
"God does the work" in Exodus 14:14 as He tells Moses he will fight for Israel; they only have to be ___________; similarly, in Ephesians 2:8-9, God does the work by requiring salvation by__________ and not by work so no one can boast.
Silent, faith
Redemption - Salvation in the OT is the same in the NT . . . ___________ (what is needed).
The Father's good ______________, ruined by the fall, has been redeemed by _____________ the son and is being restored by the __________ __________ in the kingdom of God on _______________.
creation, Christ, Holy Spirit, earth
In Genesis 49:10, which son was Jacob speaking to?
The Proto-Gospel in Genesis 3:15 is the first prophecy in scripture about Jesus introducing two elements previously unknown in the Garden of Eden: the __________ on mankind because of Adam’s sin and God’s provision for a __________ from sin who would take the curse upon Himself.
curse, Savior