What two things must everyone do when the priest is censing the Altar, icons, and congregation?
Stand and do the sign of the cross for censing the congregation
What should everyone do during the Holy Gospel?
Why do kiss Abouna's hand?
One main reason is because their hands that give to us the Body and Blood of Christ
What is the first commandment?
You shall have no other gods before Me.
What does the sign of the cross symbolize?
The Holy Trinity
What do we call the priest?
- Abouna
What is another prayer we must stand for besides "Our Father"?
The Creed
What number commandment is "Remember to keep the Sabbath Day Holy"
What is at least 1 requirement before taking the Holy Communion?
- Fasting
- Confessing
- Reading the before and after communion prayers
How do we refer to the Metropolitan? (Which Bishop Youssef is)
Your Eminence
What do candles in the church represent?
Our belief that Christ is the light of the world
What is the second commandment?
You shall not make idols.
Why must women cover their hair during the liturgy?
Our long hair represents our glory and therefore we should cover our hair/glory in the presence of God as a sign of respect and modesty
How do we refer to the Pope?
Your Holiness
Do we worship the icons found in our church?
No, we venerate which means respect. We only worship God.
What is the meaning of "bearing false witness" (9th commandment)
What is one thing women should not wear while kissing an icon, cross or receiving the Holy Communion?
Why should we not cross our legs during the liturgical service?
We are not in a casual setting; the purpose of liturgy is not to watch a movie or show but rather for prayer and to worship God. it is not appropriate to posture yourself in a casual manner.
We use the first three fingers to make the sign of the cross. What do the ring finger and pinky symbolize?
Pinky: Divinity of Christ
What is the meaning of the word 'covet'? (10th commandment)
Being jealous