By the Numbers
Here's the plan
your focus, need more focus
Define That!
This part of the Bible contains 27 books.
What is the New Testamant?
This is the very first recorded action in the Bible. It is the first of the six stages.
What is Creation?
This is something you should 'clear away' as part of preparing your place for quiet time.
What is clutter?
The Scripture cannot fail.
What is Infallibility (Infallible)?
What does the passage teach about how the Bible should affect us? Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
What is gives guidance (shows path)?
This section of the Bible contains the first 4 books of the New Testament.
What is the Gospels?
This is the second stage of the Bible. It is the reason people need a Savior.
What is the Fall?
This is one factor that helps determine when to do your quiet time. Your personal schedule is the other factor.
What is your body clock?
The Scripture is without error
What is inerrancy (inerrant)?
What does the passage teach about how the Bible should affect us? "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."
What is cleaning (set apart)?
This is the category of the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
What is the Law?
This is the stage we are in now. We have received the Word of God to guide us until the next stage.
What is the Church?
This is what you should definitely include when you begin your journal entry.
What is the passage (reference)?
The very words of Scripture were inspired.
What is verbal inspiration?
Which type of revelation is illustrated in the passage: 'And the Lord said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh: for I have hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might shew these my signs before him."
What is face-to-face (theophany)?
This is the span of time for the writing of the Bible.
What is 1500 years?
This stage is the last of the stages and is yet to come. It begins with Christ's return and will continue forever.
What is Restoration?
This is the word used to describe how we should read the text.
What is expectantly?
The disclosure of something previously unknown
What is revelation?
the type of revelation is illustrated in the following passage... "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse"
What is Nature?
This is the approximate number of men who wrote the Bible
What is 40 authors?
This is the 3rd stage. It focuses on God's chosen people, through which the Savior will be born.
What is Israel?
This is the word used to describe how we should pray knowing we are talking to a person.
What is conversationally?
a type of revelation that is only available to certain people at certain times
What is specific (limited) revelation?
What are the TWO types of general revelation?
What are conscience and nature?