Bible Words
The Accuracy of Scripture
Eras of Bible History
Approaches to Bible Study

The Creator of everyone and everything.

Who is God?


Something based on fact.

What is objective?


Internal evidence for the accuracy of Scripture.

What is the unity of the Biblical story, despite 1400 years of writing by 40 different authors?


The first era of Bible History, when God creates the world and man rebels against God.

What is Creation/Fall?


Looks for hidden spiritual meaning in the details of a passage, going directly to application of Scripture to our lives.

What is Allegorizing?


Our Redeemer, the eternal Son of God, in whom God became man and willingly bore the penalty for sin Himself, so that we could be saved.

Who is Jesus?


Something based on opinion.

What is subjective?


Could not copy from memory; one mistake meant they had to start over; washed themselves before writing the name of God.

What are the rules for Jewish scribes?


The era of Bible History when the Redeemer comes and carries out God's plan to save mankind.

What is Gospel/Redemption?

Takes passages of Scripture and disconnects them from the overall story of the Bible, reducing them to a moral takeaway.

What is Moralizing?


Rejecting or rebelling against God in the world He created.

What is Sin?


Truth found outside of oneself, based on fact and not opinion.

What is Objective (or Absolute) Truth?

External evidence for the accuracy of Scripture, an archeological discovery that confirms the Biblical account.

What is Hezekiah's Tunnel, the Cyrus Cylinder, The Nuzi Tablets, the Moabite Stone, the Hittites, Tel Dan Stele, the Sumerian Kings list, the Pool of Siloam? (Any of these answers is sufficient)


The era of Bible history we are in now, where God's people carry out God's mission to spread the Gospel throughout the earth.

What is the Church Age/Missions?


Three Bible resources you can turn to for help with Interpretation.

What are a Bible Dictionary, Bible Encyclopedia, Atlas, Concordance,, or Commentary.


A collection of sacred writings, inspired by God Himself, telling the unified story of mankind's redemption.

What is the Bible?


Assuming something beforehand. Influenced by our culture, background, and experiences.

What is a presupposition?


Scientific evidence for a Creator (and the accuracy of the Biblical account).

What is the Law of Biogenesis, how proteins are made, or the proteins that bind our cells together (in a cross shape)? (Any of these are sufficient)


The final era of Bible History, when God will create a new heavens and a new earth, and finally restore all things.

What is New Creation/Restoration?


The three steps to Inductive Bible Study.

What is observe, interpret, and apply?


The Plan of God to restore us to relationship with Him, through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

What is Salvation or Redemption?


Controlled by the Holy Spirit, the human writers, through their own personalities and writing styles, composed and recorded God's revelation to mankind, without error in the original manuscripts.

What is the Inspiration of Scripture?


The proteins that bind our cells together in the shape of a cross.

What is Laminin?


The era of Bible history between the Old Testament and the New Testament, when there were 400 years without revelation or prophets from God.

What is Silence?


A three step process to studying the Bible.

What is Inductive Bible Study?