Which heaven was paul caught up to in his vision?
2 Cor 12:2
Which book closes with the words: "there was no king in Israel: every man did which was right in his own eyes"?
Who lost her position for disobeying her husband?
Queen Vashti
Es 1:19
Who instructed christians to greet each other with a kiss?
Peter and Paul
1 Peter 5:14, Romans 16:16
The 7 candlesticks of revelation 1 refer to what?
7 Churches
According to the book of Roman's, in what "dwelleth no good thing"?
The flesh
Rom 7:18
Which king built his home out of ivory?
King Ahab
1 Kings 22:39
What does a man obtain from the Lord when he finds a wife?
Prov 18:22
Where did Paul call out Peter "to the face" because of Peter's hypocrisy?
What was the name of the star the fell from heaven and made the water bitter?
Rev 8:11
Which of Paul's epistles was written by Tertius?
Romans 16:22
What book of the bible has the longest verse?
Esther 8:9
Where does a prudent wife come from?
The Lord
Prov 19:14
Avoid foolish ___, and geneologies and conventions, and strivings about the ___; for they are unprofitable and vain. Titus 3:9
A. Men, faith
B. Babblings, word
C. Doctrines, scriptures
D. Questions, law
D. Questions, law
What color was the sun in chapter 6 when it became like sackcloth?
On which missionary journey did Paul visit Macedonia?
2nd journey
What king did Rechab and Baanah kill while he was lying on his bed?
2 Samuel 4:5-6
Psalm 128 say that blessed is everyone that does these 2 things. As a direct result he will be happy, well, blessed of the Lord, and his wife will be a fruitful vine. What are those 2 things?
Fears the Lord and walks in His ways
Name the man of Thessolonica who received Paul and Barnabas in his house. His house was later assaulted and he was dragged before the city rulers.
Acts 17:1-9
Name the towns where the seven churches from Revelation chapters 2 and 3 were located?
Ephesus, Laodicea, Sardis, Smyrna, Thyatira, Pergamos, Philadelphia.