What was the theme of the convention?
Be courageous
What does john 3:16 say?
"For God loved the World so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."
What are the major signs Jesus said would show we are in the time of the end? (there are 5)
Earthquakes, preaching, war, pestilence, food shortages
who took the Israelites through the red sea
Finish the chorus:
Jehovah Jehovah there is no God like you...
There's no other in the heavens or on the earth below you alone are god almighty and this all men must know Jehovah Jehovah we have no other God but you
What was the name of the Jonah movie and who was the girl? (part of it is in the question and theme of the convention)
The story of Jonah- a lesson in courage and mercy and she was his sister
What does proverbs 27:11 say?
Be wise my son and make my heart rejoice so that i can make a reply to him who taunts me
What are the qualities of those in the last days? (there are 9)
lovers of themselves, lovers of money, disobedient to parents, disloyal, having no natural affection, without self-control, fierce, loves of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power
which person in the Bible prophesied a drought on the land?
elijah or elisha
what was the name of the last song we sung at the convention? (think of the theme of the convention)
Give me courage
What did Jesus tell us to assure us whether we will endure under persecution? (how you practice is how you play)
"The person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much, and the person unrighteous also in much."- Luke 16:10
What are the fruitages of the spirit? ( there are 9)
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control
name a scripture that shows our hope for the future and what it says?
Whose woman had a husband the Bible describes as harsh badly behaved?
name 3 different songs that encourage our ministry
(dont think to hard)
preparing to preach, this is the way, fear them not, searching for friends, it means their life, move ahead, the life of a pioneer, reaching out, how does it make you feel, preach the word...
What was emphasized as the key to success?
(what do we always hear)
Pray, Read the Bible, Study and meditate, pray, apply
What book comes after joel?
in genesis 3:15 who is God talking to and who is their seed and who is the woman and her seed?
God is talking to satan and his seed is the demons and human organizations that manifest the traits of Satan
the woman is Gods heavenly organization and her seed is Jesus
Which king did detestable things but repented?
king manasseh
king hezikiah
king josiah
king solomon
king ahab
Finish the chorus: Take sides with Jehovah make him your delight
he'll never forsake you walk on in his light tell tell the glad tidings of freedom and peace his rule by christ jesus will ever increase.
What was the theme scripture of the convention? (think of the theme of the convention)
"Be courageous and very strong"- Joshua 1:7
what does 1 Thessalonian 5:17 say? (two words)
pray constantly
What are the 5 world powers prophesied in daniel chapter 2?
Babylon, medo-persia, Greece, Rome, Anglo- America
which Bible character wrote ester?
sing the first part of any kingdom melody or original song