which character died on the cross
what is the city of david called
why does cain kill his brother
god is more pleased with abel's sacrifice
The author of Acts also wrote which Gospel
how many books in the bible
which bible character parted waters
hint: there's 3 last 2 are bonus 50 each
bonus: elijah elisha
where did jesus grow up
how does god first apear to moses
in a burning bush
what is paul's old name
how many chapters in the bible
which character is the oldest in the bible
which city slaughtered the people of Gilead
Why does Moses break the stone tablets with God’s commandments at Mount Sinai?
the people were worshiping a idol
in Mark, how does the Mary learn of her pregnancy?
There is no virgin birth in the Gospel of Mark.
recite josua 24:15
as for me and my house we will serv the lord
who is the 1st person to die in the bible
(this is easy)
free question
400 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
What do Moses and Joshua tell the Israelites not to do in the promised land?
marry with the native inhabitants
In the Gospel John, which of the apostles doubts Jesus’s resurrection until he sees Jesus
how many chapters in the bible for old testament and how many for new testament
929 for old testament
260 for new testament
who wanted john the baptist's head
herodias' daughter and herodias
which garden is at the foot of the Mount of Olives
Why does God reject Saul as king of Israel?
Because Saul doesn't destroy the Amalekites completely
in Revelation, who does the beast represent?
roman empire
recite psalm 91: 1
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty