This individual, who later became a prophet, was considered to be a divinely beautiful child and was found in a papyrus ark among the reeds by the bank of the Nile River
The building used to meet together for worship on a local level
Kingdom Hall
The Lord Jesus appeared to this man in a vision and appointed him to an apostle to the nations
Paul or Saul
This faithful woman was queen to King Ahasuerus after he dismissed Vashti for disobedience; she risked her life for the sake of the Israelites
Liz decided to end things with Zach because he wasn’t baptized or making spiritual advancement...
What is True Love?
This prophet was sent by Jehovah to point out the magnitude of David’s sin
The building used to meet together for worship on a circuit level. It’s owned by the Organization and, at times, is used for Regional Conventions.
Assembly Halls
Paul is originally from this famous city
Mother of the prophet Samuel. She vowed to Jehovah that if she could bear a son, she would give him to Jehovah
Swallowed by a giant fish, because he tried to run away from his assignment that Jehovah gave him...
What is The Story of Jonah-A Lesson in Courage and Mercy?
This prophet was highly favored by Jehovah and used him to prophecy about the destruction of all of the Earthly governments in the near future
This facility is responsible for overseeing the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in a particular land or several lands
Branch Ofifice
This woman was a seller of purple and was from the city of Thyatira
This individual is from Moab and later married Boaz who served as her repurchaser
This couple lost their youngest son and the grandfather, because of an accident. The father was dealing with a serious health problem. Time and unforeseen occurrences befall us all.
What is Hope for What We Do Not See?
This prophet took a wife by the name of Gomer, who later became a woman of prostitution
These three individuals make up the Service Committee in a local congregation
This was the first individual that was resurrected by an Apostle. This individual abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy
Dorcas or Tabitha
This woman was married to Nabal, a good for nothing man. After his death, she later married David.
Gloria felt pressure from her unbelieving relatives, to quit pioneering and get a job to become financially stable and be able to take care of her parents in there old age.
What is Remember the Wife of Lot
This prophet quoted this statement to Baal worshippers at Mount Carmel ““How long will you be limping between two different opinions? If Jehovah is the true God, follow him; but if Baʹal is, follow him!
These individuals are high ranking individuals in Jehovah’s Organization and their work is in some way associated with cleansing away sin from among God’s people
This Apostle chaired the meeting of the Governing Body during the discussion involving the circumcision issue
Who were three of the women who returned to Jesus’ burial place to prepare spices and perfumed oils?
Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of Jesus, Salome
In the movie 'Walk by Faith, Not by Sight' what city do the brothers leave Jerusalem and move to?
What is Pella