The person who wanted to build a tower "with its top in the heavens"
(Gen 10:10)
What was Caleb struggling with in this video:
Who said:
“Out of the eater came something to eat,
And out of the strong came something sweet.”
Samson in his riddle to the Philistine men
(Judges 14:14)
Correct the order of events:
a. Korah's rebellion
b. Israelites worshipping the Golden Calf
c. The Negative report from the spies
B. Israelites and the Golden Calf
C. The negative report
A. Korah's Rebellion
The land in which King Nebuchadnezzar had constructed the Image of Gold
The plain of Dura in the Province of Babylon
(Daniel 3:1)
This very rebellious son of David had excellent hair
(2 Samuel 14:25)
How many governing body updates has Brother Sanderson hosted during the Pandemic?
100 Bonus points: which update(s) was it?
(Update #5 2020/ Update #4 2021)
- I like very long parties
- I "remove" those who disobey or lie to me
- My wife is beautiful and brave
King Ahasuerus
Order of the Judges
(In order 135, not consecutive 123)
a. Samson
b. Shamgar
c. Ehud
C. Ehud (2nd) Judges 3:12
B. Shamgar (3rd) 3:31
A. Samson (12th) 14:1
The river that the mighty army chief Naaman needed to bathe in, in order to be made clean
The Jordan River
(2 Kings 5:10)
Paul described these two men as being "opposed to Moses" and "completely corrupted in mind". He likened them to apostates who resist the truth
Jan'nes and Jambres
(2 Tim 3:8)
What is the name of this Israelite in the Drama "Warning Examples for Our Day"?
"Through cleverness I succeeded,
but with deceit I did not speak.
For although I was mistreated,
the mistaken one was he."
(Genesis 38:14,25)
(Genesis 38:16)
(Genesis 38:6-24)
(Genesis 38:26)
The only five women mentioned in Jesus’ ancestry as recorded in Matthew
Ta’mar (1:2)
Rahab (1:5)
Ruth (1:5)
Bath Sheba (wife of Uriah; 1:6)
Mary (“Joseph, husband of Mary”; 1:16)
The place where the Israelites quarreled with Moses over a lack of water.
Bonus 100: where were the Israelites encamped at this time?
Meribah (Num 20:13)
Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin (Deut 32:51, Num 20:1)
To avoid destruction by an approaching army, a wise woman had this man's head thrown over the city wall
(2 Samuel 20)
This bible character is discussed at the beginning of the Drama: Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life?
- I saw the apostle Paul make his defense
- I walk with “much pompous and show”
- I nearly married 3 different kings
- It is rumored that I was in a relationship with my own brother
(Acts 25:13)
(It-1 pp. 290)
This king reigned for the shortest period of time in the Northern Ten-Tribe Kingdom of Israel
Zimri (7 days, 5th king)
Appendix A6
Which color represents Paul's first missionary Tour?
This group was a fanatical political Jewish faction that Paul was accused of being a part of.
The Dagger Men
(Acts 21:38, it-1 pp. 569)
"Opposed to me were my own family,
But it was against David that my power faded.
While I lay in bed they took my head,
betrayed and abandoned, yet eternal life I may still be granted."
(2 Samuel 2:8, 3:6,7)
(2 Samuel 2:10)
(2 Samuel 4:7)
(2 Samuel 4:11)
The third month of the Hebrew Calendar, corresponding with May-June
appendix B15
What do numbers 13, 14, 15 represent on the diagram?
What is the order of the tabs in the "MEDIA" section of Library?
There are 13!
No looking!
1. JW Broadcasting
2. Children
3. Teenagers
4. Family
5. Programs and Events
6. Our Activities
7. Our Meetings and Ministry
8. Our Organization
9. The Bible
10. Dramas
11. Music
12. Interviews and Experiences
13. Audio Descriptions